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No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God...not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. Romans 2:29 NLT As 2016 draws to a close maybe it's been a stellar year, maybe it's been a tough one...or a bit of both...but Paul reminds us here about what's really important...our hearts. The lead news story today is the awarding of NY honours - with a shot putter at the top of the list! But it's not the praise of people we're to look for even tho that might come, but God. And that comes from a heart oriented towards Him, simply living out in our own way - loving Him, & loving people, wherever we are, in whatever capacity we can... #Romans #keepingitreal
Friday! Proverbs! Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything. Proverbs 13:3 NLT Looking back on 2016, it's the words I've said that have caused the most damage to others... In the NT James 1:19 reiterates this... be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry... How often have I not taken the time to listen well...been distracted by some digital device, my own thoughts & desire to speak... to give answers. In 2017 I want to listen well. Listen to words, & the heart beneath the words. And in the listening, maybe I'll speak less & that's OK :) #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #beagreatlistener #speaklife #lovepeople #2017
For you are not a true Jew just because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have gone through the ceremony of circumcision. No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit... Romans 2:28-29 NLT A borrowed faith isn't good enough. Paul was lecturing the Jews (of which he was one) but he could just as easily be lecturing us... Going to church Being in a christian family Doing good things Being a "good person"'s a change of heart that God is really after...we're not far from that whole New Year resolution - what am I going to be better at next year? Its not about doing more X or less Y, but orienting our hearts toward God - let His Spirit speak to ours - let His ways become ours... #morelikeJesus #2017
They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right... the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone's secret life. Romans 2:15-16 NLT Paul sums up how our conscience internal "pat on the back" when we do the right thing, it also nudges us when we don't, when we ignore what's right and choose what's not. And then there's this thing that God reveals that He knows we have a secret life. The thoughts that spring up. The person we are when no one is watching. The desires of our heart. The secret life. Will we allow God's law, His word, to shape our secret life, our inner life? The law of love. Loving God Loving People At this time of year we often look back on achievements, have I done in this area? The secret life. #somethingtochewon #yearend #lawoflove
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under... "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more" Matthew 2:16-18 NIV Not normally a popular part of the Christmas Story... but today as we enjoy the freedom to live and worship how we want to, today pray for those around the world who are being persecuted for their faith. Was Herod so afraid of this baby because the people would then believe in a power greater than his? That baby, born 2016 years ago, not only split time, but ruptures our thinking about what really matters. This time of year we try to get together with people we care about, because that really matters. Jesus birth, God becoming man, making a way, wanting relationship with us...that really matters...for today & for all days ...
After the scholars were gone, Gods angel showed up again in Joseph's dream and commanded, "Get up. Take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt... Joseph obeyed. He got up, took the child and his mother under cover of darkness. They were out of town and well on their way by daylight... Matthew 2:13-14 MSG Boxing Day drama! Dreams, angels, and on the run...but there's also obedience. Joseph followed God's call. This Boxing Day, what does God call us to? Me? He's said I'd like you to encourage someone who you wouldn't usually contact & thank them for what you've seen them do this year... If no angels visited, then will you ask God to place someone on your heart to bless and encourage today? May be a pastor, a friend, someone who gave you great advice, someone who served...send a boxing day gift of blessing to someone who wouldn't usually hear from you.. #boxingdaygift #christmas #belikeJoseph
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." When King Herod heard this he was disturbed... Matthew 2:1-3 NIV Herod was the King. And now he's heard about a new King being born, someone who could take away his power and authority. I like to be King. At least of my own life. My own destiny. Yesterday at times I was more in Herods camp. Selfish. Clinging to power... But the Magi, the scholars, the wise men...they've come to worship, to submit to the new King. Every day we get to choose to cling to power like Herod, or to bring our gifts and worship the new King. As we celebrate the first Christmas today, at home or at work, with friends or family, may we start by choosing to bring our gifts in worship to the new King #christmas #jesusatthecentre
But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. Micah 5:2 ESV From the humblest of places, in the humblest of circumstances... there was no glitter, tinsel, flash food...but God's plan to bring a saviour into the world was unfolding. This Christmas Eve, don't let the lights, the dramas, the tinsel on the outside, make us lose sight of the one who came from ancient of days. God's plan to save the world is entering a new phase... People were looking for a saviour then...and now... May our lives & actions, point towards the Ancient of Days. #christmas #promisesofhope #jesusatthecentre #ancientofdays angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. Joseph, son of David, the angel said, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit... ...When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. Matthew 1:20, 24 NLT Not only was Joe sensitive to and putting the needs of others first, he also chose to obey God's call. Joseph had his life sorted and his plan in place, but God had something else for adventure that he couldn't have dreamed of (on his own) In the midst of the noise of Christmas don't miss God's call...maybe it's something small and easy or like Joseph a major shift in our life plan... #christmas #belikeJoseph #kingdomvalues
"Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us'". Matthew 1:23 NLT For 42 generations God had been working from the outside...His presence was so powerful people couldn't survive it, heaven met earth only in the Holy of Holies...but the first Christmas, it all changed. God shrunk himself, humbled himself, made himself "nothing"...a baby in a teenage single mother in a tiny backwater town where nothing good ever came...and in that moment God is with us. Jesus says I'm going to enter the story in a new way, I'm going to know what it's like to be you and I'm going to be with you on this journey... I'm not just going to make a way but I'll be that way...this is a love story and this is the best way I can show you that I love you. #with #christmas #everythingchanges #promisesofhope #love #itsalovestory
Joseph, her fiancé, was a good man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly. As he considered this, an angel...appeared to him... Matthew 1:19-20 NLT In our world there's an industry in embarrassing people. When someone makes a mistake the first thing we want to do is let them have it! That driver who wasn't quite onto it...that exam grade that wasn't what was expected...that mistake, that poor choice... Joseph was well within his rights to make a big deal of this and make it clear to the world it wasn't his mistake. But he didn't. His concern was first for Mary. Is she OK? How can I sort this without embarrassing her, without making it worse...for her. And this was before the angel had a chat with him. Lord, help me be like Jo, to see the person first, & to show grace #belikeJoseph #characterlesson #otherness #grace #christmas
This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about : His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18 NIV Apart from Genesis 1:1 has there been a more understated description in the Bible of world defining events? God entered His story, wrote himself in to this little family in a tiny backwater town no one had heard of, where nothing good came from. In our world it seems to be about the big, noisy, the great... & if its not big its not important... But in God's economy it's often about the  understated, the quiet, the small...the humble... Every act of kindness, of grace, of forgiveness no matter how small or insignificant it may seem is part of God's restoration plan for this world... #christmas #jesusatthecentre #hopehascome
This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham:  Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers... Matthew 1:1-2:NIV 42 generations from the promises God made with Abraham to Jesus. 42 generations of looking, waiting...hoping for fulfillment... 42 generations of trying to fulfill the law, of rejecting God...and 42 generations of God's pursuit of us...his forgiveness...until...Jesus When it all changed. The covenant is fulfilled.  The law is fulfilled. God's grace has come, heaven had joined earth in the person of Jesus... #christmas #jesusatthecentre #hope #hopehascome
Then the Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you..." Joshua 8:1 NIV We like to think we can do it all of our cultural values in NZ is individual resilience and strength. But there's gonna be times when you need the whole army with you...when things that are in front of (or inside) you that going it alone just won't cut it... Share your need, your heart, fears, hurts...challenges... it may not be with a big army but we all need people on our team, people we can trust, who will stand with us... If Jesus needed a team then we do too. So reach out and recruit if you're in need of an army today... you might be surprised who will join you :) And if you're committed to walking with someone thru whatever they're going thru...stay the course. Don't give up just because it's getting tough or messy... #inthistogether #inthebattle #onyourteam
Then the Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai. For I have delivered into your hands the king of Ai, his people, his city and his land..." Joshua 8:1 NIV In a business meeting this week the recent earthquakes were discussed and the comment was; "well you're not worried because you have the hope of heaven..." The battle has already been won. Just like Josh was told. I've already done it. Delivered. Yet you still need to go and fight the battle... We still need to do what God has called us represent Him to the be agents of grace, of restoration, of hope, of be His hands & feet in a broken & damaged world God's won it for us. Delivered Yet still wants us to do our part... #lovepeople #grace #inthebattle #somethingtochewon
Friday! Proverbs. From the fruit of their lips people enjoy good things, but the unfaithful have an appetite for violence. Proverbs 13:2 NIV Words. Many people can share in the fruit of a's goodness can be spread and distributed...and words are just like that - good things that bring blessing, encouragement & life! Strength for the journey. But like most things they can also be used to be hurtful, crushing & destructive. In an instant we can remember hurtful words that have been spoken to us or about us. The words of the unfaithful. Today I'm going to listen to my words and check that they are not the words of violence...of hurt, of negativity...but are words of life, fruit to sustain, bless & encourage... If I did that every day perhaps this world would be a better place :) #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #choose #speaklife #strengthforthejourney
...Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ... Philippians 3:19-20 NIV The return. While Paul is a citizen of a different Kingdom, he was looking for the King to complete the restoration programme that he started on the cross...when heaven meets earth...when the King returns. And when He does, our place in the Kingdom is already secure, so today, like Paul 2000 years ago, we don't need to have our minds stuck in the values of this world, but in the Kingdom to which we belong. Our allegiance has shifted. We've taken the oath. We are citizens of a kingdom that has love as its cornerstone - and love is a person... #jesusatthecentre #kingdomvalues #childrenofGod
But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven... PHILIPPIANS 3:20 AMP It's easy to take our citizenship for granted...but if I'd just been granted citizenship to this country how would that feel? Maybe like this is now Home. I belong here. I'm accepted here I'm wanted here As a citizen I'm protected and secure... And maybe that changes the way I see people around me and how I treat them and the place I live... We are citizens of heaven. We belong Accepted Wanted Secure Loved That citizenship can't be lost or taken away from us, and the borders to the Kingdom are open for all who chose to come in... That changes the way we see the people around us and the place that we live... #kingdomvalues #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
Then the Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged..." Joshua 8:1 NIV Why did Josh need to hear this? In Ch 7 Achan had let him down - one of his team  disobeyed God - and paid the consequences... The very next thing God says to Joshua is not to be afraid or discouraged. People will let us down. They make poor choices and sometimes the consequences are massive...impacting families and generations... but if this is your experience then perhaps what God says to Josh applies. Don't be afraid. I'm still here. I'm still constant and rock solid even when people aren't. Don't be discouraged. Yes it hurts, but don't chuck in your faith in Me over this. I'm gonna walk with you today and for all days... #nofear #faith #faithinthedark
When outsiders who have never heard of God's  law follow it more or less by instinct, they confirm its truth by their obedience. They show that God's law is not something alien, imposed on us from without, but woven into the very fabric of our creation. There is something deep within them that echoes God's yes and no, right and wrong... Romans 2:15 MSG Love the way the Message puts this...that our sense that there is a right and wrong, truth and error, good and evil, is woven into the fabric of creation... all people have something within, that echo of God And it's woven in... not added later as some kind of crutch or explanation - but who God is is part of who we are... Because we know there is right & wrong, it points us to the Creator... & encourages us to find out what He intended. A lifetimes journey of discovery. #Romans #keepingitreal #somethingtochewon
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls,  and upon finding a single pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46 AMP The Kingdom is searching... A merchant knows what he's looking for, an expert in finding the items of highest value to him...the thing of beauty... And when He finds it - he gives everything up to pay for it. You. You are that pearl - that item the Merchant places His highest value on...He sees beauty in you No matter how you see yourself today, how you might feel, our God places great value on you. He's prepared to pay everything And He did. #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues #youarepriceless #dearlyloved #sunday #worship #thisisourGod
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over... Romans 1:28 AMP "Morality, it could be argued, represents the way that people would like the world to work, whereas economics represents how it actually does work" Freakonomics. When governments and those in authority lose their moral stand, the only thing left is economics. And we're so much more than economic units of production. Just as in Paul's day big chunks of our world no longer bother to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing...and yet at a micro my often do I do the same thing? What does God know about my situation? How is His truth ? If we ignore God He'll let us run our own way...but if we keep choosing to acknowledge Him & consider Him worth knowing, He'll walk with us... #Romans #keepingitreal #Godisworthknowing #truth
Friday! Proverbs! A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker does not respond to rebukes. Proverbs 13:1 NIV Generally wise children will listen to and act on their parents instruction...and children who are characterised by not listening - shows there is a heart issue. I've chosen my own counsel. My own way. And as parents when we see that we know we have to work really hard to get to the heart of our children... But. The Bible esp the Old Testament is full of accounts of God's people ignoring or not completing God's instruction. Cycle after cycle of rebellion But. I'm the same... recurring themes of not listening to God's word... we all have the seeds of rebellion in our hearts...we want to listen to our own counsel rather than the wisdom of God - so keep allowing God to chip away, to work on our make us more like Jesus... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough." Matthew 13:33 NLT It's great having some yeast in the packet in the cupboard...but it's not fulfilling it's purpose sitting in the packet with the rest of the yeast...that only happens when it's out getting worked into the flour...the Kingdom is at work IN us and it's at work THROUGH us as we live our lives...out where the baking happens, where the heat comes on, where you can be kneaded and pushed around... where life can be messy...out making a difference not sitting in a nice package in the cupboard... #yeast #kingdomvalues #redeemedforapurpose
Jesus also used this illustration: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough." Matthew 13:33 NLT Yeast converts sugar into carbon dioxide which is what makes our bread what it is. It's yeast that transforms bread from being flat and hard into the the tasty bread that we love... And that's what the Kingdom does...transforms us from the inside...takes what we have, our gifts, talents, character...our responses... our choices... even our dreams and desires... and transforms them to be more gospel flavoured, more kingdom shaped...still us, but a lighter, tastier version! #yeast #kingdomvalues
Jesus also used this illustration: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough." Matthew 13:33 NLT One of the properties of yeast is that it multiplies exponentially...1 becomes two...becomes 4... 16... And this is the way of the Kingdom - our job is just to bless, encourage, teach, share with, walk with, support, love, show grace towards, be Jesus to, point to God, pray for, pray with, live out our faith in front of...the 1 who is in front of us. And the Kingdom will multiply what we do...however small or insignificant we think what we do is...yeast is the tiniest of things...yet multiplies... So keep writing, singing, making art, giving food, preaching, messaging, giving, parenting, forgiving...1 person at a time... #yeast #kingdomvalues
Even when the way Goes thru the sunless valley I'm not afraid 'Cos you are with me Ps 23 When we're facing hard things, stepping into the unknown, the new...when the road ahead suddenly seems uncertain...the future at best looks challenging...not only have others like the psalmist been there ahead of us, there is one who has faced it all...and says he'll be with us. We might seem alone. But we're not. Alone but not alone. So reach out your hand, call out to Jesus in whatever circumstances confront...for He is with. #with #alonebutnotalone
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.  Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches. Matthew 13:31-32 NIV ...the smallest things we do, the seemingly most insignificant acts of kindness, of love, of support, that timely word, that warm smile, that listening ear...that hug when someone needs it....that sponsored child, that Sunday school class, that message shared...that welcome you gave, the song you sung, the meal you shared...the word of encouragement...the art you created, the song you wrote, the service you provided...the life you live...can become in God's economy shelter from the storm, a place of nourishment and support for many... Be faithful in the small things & let God grow something good from it... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues
The owner's servants came to him and said, "Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?" Matthew 13:27 NIV The owners team could see what was going on...could see the weeds... Do we let people in to our lives far enough to see the weeds? Am I prepared to say "tell me about the weeds you see in my heart - what I'm missing, where my weaknesses are. Where am I not showing grace, love, kindness, patience...self I letting anger, resentment, bitterness rule... where are the hurts of the past or fears of the future stopping me from being who God wants me to be today...?" Maybe we know the weeds in our own heart but just don't want to confront them... Is there someone you trust enough with your story? You can cetainly trust your heavenly Father with matter what :) #weeds #weedsinthegarden #inthistogether
Friday! Already! In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death. Proverbs 12:28 ESV In the path of righteousness... morals, values, truth...right & wrong. When we think about where these things come from it eventually only takes us to one of two conclusions; They are a construct. Something we've made up. Or they lead us to the God of the Universe! In Him there is only life, as He has promised when this life is over there is more life. Along this path is Jesus. He claimed to be The Way, The Truth & The Life. It's what we choose to do with Him & His claims that leads to Life. He is the path... And in Him there is no death. Hard tho that is to grasp sometimes...but in Him I place my hope and my faith...let's tread this path of righteousness together :) #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #life #chooselife #childrenofGod #inthistogether
Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.  When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared." Matthew 13:24-26 NIV Words that have the sound of truth...but aren't... maybe it's those words that have been repeated to us or about us so often that we believe they're true... Maybe its our thinking about success and what's important. Appearance. Wealth Fame The weeds the enemy plants look the same as the truth to start with, but over time will give nothing, will prove to be empty God and his word, embodied in the person of Jesus needs to be our source of truth & what He says about us is what needs to daily rest in our hearts... #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #redeemed #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues
Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.  When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared." Matthew 13:24-26 NIV When the seeds of the enemy are planted they look just like the good seed...not only is this cunning, it's subtle. In our lives what could these be? Words that have the sound of truth but aren't... How about the cult of being busy. The subtle message is that being busy is good - a badge of honour, a mark of success. Yet Jesus always had time for people. What are my priorities? I don't want to miss the good because I'm chasing the weeds planted by the enemy... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues #lovepeople
But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 Amp Not only is there no law against these things, there's no scorecard either. There's no performance standard that we can meet. These things just appear like fruit in the orchard as we give ourselves more and more to God, ask His Spirit to permeate our thinking and decision making. There's no comparing with this fruit...and no fear... And there's nothing to lose... #fruit #kingdomvalues #inthistogether
"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands and grasps it; he indeed bears fruit and yields, some a hundred times [as much as was sown], some sixty, and some thirty" Matthew 13:23 AMP Grasps it. When we really get it. Our roots are deep in the word, & the weeds that would choke us off are at least held in check...then there's fruit. 2 things: The amount of fruit is different for different people. We don't have to look the same as anyone else And the fruit is not described. So I'm going to guess it's the Fruit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self-control That's the outcome, the fruit, the harvest...not a scorecard of souls won, church's planted, people helped this week...not performance...but our heart & how God is gently transforming us on the inside... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues #fruit
The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God's word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. Matthew 13:22 NLT I'm no gardener & sometimes can't tell the weeds from the good plants...Jesus highlights a couple of weeds for us... This life will have its worries. There'll be stuff that keeps us up at night - but don't let that overwhelm our faith  And then there's the lure of wealth - we think it, or what it can buy us - will solve everything - & it becomes what we value more than the Kingdom. We all have some weeding to do & sometimes we need help to see what the weeds are & to pluck them out before they take over & ruin the garden... #wordsofJesus #kingdomvalues
But since they don't have deep roots, they don't last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God's word... Matthew 13:21 NLT Jesus is unpacking the parable of the farmer planting seeds - & in there is a quiet warning - problems or persecution will come, & having deep roots in God's word on that day, knowing what we believe, having a deep seated faith, on that day, will be critical. Don't wait for the storm to put our roots deep into God & his word. Do it when the sun is shining & the rain is gentle, so that in the storm we can stand... #faith #deeproots #wordsofJesus
Friday! Proverbs! Lazy people don't even cook the game they catch, but the diligent make use of everything they find. Proverbs 12:27 NLT We don't see the opportunities that are right in front of us, don't use wisely the resources at our disposal...buying fast food instead of learning to cook...complaining about gym fees but could walk to work for free... But what about our spiritual life? I listen to a sermon but don't take notes... don't read God's word for myself... in the tough times I just want God to fix it, take it away, heal...& right now...rather than ask Him to walk with me thru it...'cos that's where I learn about God, about me, about His purposes... with God is where the diligent make use of everything they find... #diligent #with #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen. Romans 1:25 NIV John Calvin in 1530 wrote "'s a perpetual factory of idols..." or as Tim Keller said when our heart takes the good things (love, career, business, things we own or want to own, even family) & make them the ultimate thing. The thing we think will give us significance, security, fulfillment if we could just attain them... It's so easily done...if only I had That - I'd be happy / content / safe / valuable... Paul says don't swap the living God for the things He's made or we've made. In Him we ARE significant, loved, & secure & it's Him we should choose to worship... #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #jesusatthecentre #loveGod #Romans #keepingitreal #encourageoneanother
At about that same time Jesus left the house and sat on the beach. In no time at all a crowd gathered along the shoreline, forcing him to get into a boat. Using the boat as a pulpit, he addressed his congregation, telling stories... Matthew 13:1-3 MSG A crowd arrived. Solitude over. Jesus always full of grace when people came to him in need...and then he uses what's in front of him, uses a boat to set up a temporary church. (Jesus could've been a kiwi! Use what you've got, get a solution!) And then used stories to connect... 1. Be prepared to meet people anywhere! 2. Don't wait (to build a church or wait til Sunday) do what you can to meet the heart needs of others 3. Communicate in ways people understand. Tell your's more impacting than you think... #lovepeople #grace
Achan replied, "It is true! I have sinned against the Lord , the God of Israel. This is what I have done: When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them..." Joshua 7:20-21 NIV Achan got caught up with the things of this world. For him it was clothing and money. And he paid for his disobedience with his life. I'm just like Achan. So easily enamoured with the shiny things of this world...the measures of success... Achan paid with his life, but Jesus paid for us with His. So we can stand with our wobbly faith and our hearts that so often let us down...but stand redeemed by a loving God who made a way, The Way, for us. How good is that! We don't live in fear of the law, of being good enough, it's not our cleanliness or our performance, but Jesus. #free #redeemed #redeemedforapurpose #nofear
At about that same time Jesus left the house and sat on the beach. In no time at all a crowd gathered along the shoreline... Matthew 13:1 MSG OK so Monday morning may not be the best time to talk about sitting on the beach...but...that's what Jesus did. Had some time out. Some time alone. Would've turned his phone off... watched the waves for a bit... This time people turned up (& Jesus full of grace made room for them, changed whatever he had planned to meet their need) but if Jesus took some time to sit on the beach then we do to. Maybe that's a few minutes in prayer, a quiet walk, some quiet and solitude that you can carve out in your day...maybe even in the midst of the noise. Maybe it's true re-creation. Real rest. (Without feeling guilty) May today you find a few moments to "sit on the beach" today. #peace #restforyoursoul #restoration
Someone told Jesus, Your mother and brothers are out here, wanting to speak with you. Jesus didnt respond directly, but said, Who do you think my mother and brothers are? He then stretched out his hand toward his disciples. Look closely. These are my mother and brothers...The person who obeys my heavenly Fathers will is my brother and sister and mother. Matthew 12:46-50 MSG My pastor is from Ireland. We've welcomed people into our lives from the Carribbean, Asia, Nth America, the pacific...& so many wonderful kiwi's who we never would have met if it wasn't for our shared faith...our family is so much more than just our relatives...the christian community should be the model of diversity & inclusion where we can learn from each others strengths, support each other in our weaknesses & get a taste of heaven... #thisisourGod #sunday #worship #lovepeople
"And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh...?" Jonah 4:11 NIV God's parting question to Jonah is a statement of God's love that echoes down the centuries...Jonah was too concerned about his own comfort and missed God's heart for people. All people. God saw beyond the lifestyle of Nineveh and the things they did and saw people He loved, people who needed a saviour. A way. Just as Jesus gave up the comfort of heaven, shrunk himself, humbled himself, gave himself up to become The Way for me...sometimes I'm just like Jonah & more concerned for my own comfort...and I lose sight of God's heart for people. All people. Lord today help me to see those around me as you do,  to love as you do. Help me to see that I'm part of your Big Story of restoration. Amen #lessonsfromJonah #lovepeople
Friday! Proverbs! The righteous man is a guide to his neighbour, But the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26 AMP Mmm on this journey we call life, we're asked to be a guide to those around us. Show the way Be a light to those around us... And there's a warning. There are those who would lead us astray, for their own gain or own be careful who you listen to, be careful who you chose as friends, partners... we're so easily led astray... If I'm gonna be a guide, I need to know the guidebook, understand where the journey is going...God's word, the person of Jesus, that's where our source of wisdom needs to be, then we can be that guide... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #inthistogether #whatsmysourceoftruth
But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things; Achan...took some of them... Joshua 7:1 NIV The sin of Achan annoyed God. A lot. The good thing for us is that our choices are covered by the work of Jesus on our behalf...but there are times when I'm just like Achan. Unfaithful in regard to the things that God has called me to... Patience Kindness Self control Not keeping a record of wrongs... The new "devoted things" that God calls us to...but my stuff gets in the way...pride, selfishness, poor choices... Lord today I'm grateful fir your grace. Help me today to live in a way that pleases you, help me to be faithful to what's important to you. To see people as you do, to love as you do. Amen. #forgiven #lovepeople #grace
But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. He prayed to the Lord... I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love... Jonah 4:1-2 NIV The repentence of the city annoyed Jonah He knew God's heart and character. Even though Jonah was angry with God he didn't forget what God was all about. Just like Jonah there are times when I'm angry at God. Or disappointed. Or just can't understand why He just doesn't intervene...why won't he fix...or heal... Just like Jonah I should pray. God still wants to hear from us even if we're angry. Just like Jonah I should remember God's heart. Gracious Compassionate Slow to anger Abounding in love And no matter what, choose to trust that great heart of love... #lessonsfromJonah #loveGod #faith #faithinthedark
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like... And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. Romans 1:21-23 NLT Isn't that the way...when things don't go my way, when disaster strikes, when my health fails, when buildings fall down, when our hearts are broken, we make up a god to blame. Or to fill that gap we look for a god we can manage and understand...we just make one up...or worship creation, work, wealth, education...but Paul warns us not to. Our God is bigger, more than we can imagine...& yet personal with a heart towards us. Don't shrink him to some counterfeit that has no mystery or real authority...but stick with the Glorious! #Romans #faith #hope #jesusatthecentre #onedayallwillbemadenew
Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven,  Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come,  Your will be done  On earth as it is in heaven...' MATTHEW 6:9-10 AMP At church last night this was our text. The greatness of who God is. Focussing on His Kingdom purposes...these are the notes I took... We need to know the big story... Embracing God's story allows us to let other stories go...wealth accumulation, your truth, self determination, scientific naturalism, consumer based world... The big story tells us where the world is heading Our God is BIG and Majestic! This is what allows us to worship. God's kingdom has come but it's not fully here yet... This morning what I thought was solid turned to jelly literally beneath my feet & this morning the words of Lauren Daigles song is in my mind..."I will trust in you" The Big Story God has in hand. In Him I continue to put my faith even when my world shakes... #nomatterwhat #faith #onedaya...
....And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. Philippians 4:7 Amp Pray. Pray with thanksgiving Pray often & specifically about what's really going your heart...& That Peace becomes yours. That peace that stands guard of our hearts and minds...what an interesting picture :) The words that hurt, the losses, the lies that we tell ourselves or allow others words to impact us..our hearts and minds need guarding from them. Peace guards us. Peace from God. As He whispers "I love you" "I have a place in my heart for you" "Nothing can separate us" #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #sunday #worship #thisisourGod 
Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God... Philippians 4:6-7 amp Nov 12, 2012 this was the first verseoftheday. So this is an annual re-visit 'cos I need to be reminded again of the antidote to worry & anxiety. Prayer. God wants to hear from us...& he wants us to drill down with Him to whats really going on...beneath the surface issues to those big questions at our am I good enough?, can I trust God? And He whispers to us... I love you. Just because I do. Not for your appearance, ability or performance...I love you. Nothing can separate us. Our circumstances may not change, but our perspective does 'cos we're His kids. No matter what. #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #verse7tomorrow
Friday! Proverbs! Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good (encouraging) word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25 Amp In today's NZ Herald is a story about NZers & their battles to overcome addiction: "Someone showing they care about a person is most often a catalyst for users getting help..." Someone showing they care. An encouraging word. We can all do that... What weighs us down, keeps us up at night, worries & anxieties...they're all different, but words can bring help & healing. Restoration. Jesus is the Word. The ultimate hope and restoration...but today, you & I are able to be Jesus in someone's life, to speak a word of courage, of hope & of restoration. Just do it. You can :) #Jesuspolitics #lovepeople #beanencourager #speaklife
And whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. MATTHEW 5:41 AMP With all the noise around the US election, the Bible does have quite a bit to say about the earth's rulers and powers...& what Jesus has to say here is a favourite... Rome ruled the world in Jesus day. More powerful than the US today, & it had some interesting leaders too! A Roman soldier had the right to compel a civilian to carry his gear for a mile. Jesus said carry it for 2. Jesus response to the tyranny oppression and corruption of the Roman authorities was not a call to overthrow it or change it, but to love them into His Kingdom. He gave up His power to come in humility, in peace, & in love. It's those Kingdom values I don't want to lose sight of, to live by & to live out, no matter who is in charge of the country or the powers of this world. Jesus politics. To love. #wordsofJesus #love #kingdomvalues #gotheextramile
A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. Matthew 12:35 NLT The treasury of the heart. What am I storing up? What am I hanging on to? What's in the Treasury? What deposits am I making? Investments? If I'm hanging on to resentment, gripping to past hurts, holding on to anger...then that's all going in the Treasury. Maybe right now is the time to turf those things out. Start again with God's word, his truth...hide that in your heart. Treasure like your status as a dearly loved child of God. Treasure that your future is secure That we're part of God's big story of restoration and have a part to play in that...that God wrote himself into the story because He loves. Us. #dearlyloved #childrenofGod #treasure
Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: "Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you" Jonah 3:1-2 NLT The city. Sometimes we just want to get away from cities...withdraw...get somewhere peaceful... But God says the city is important. Yes there's challenges & difficulties...but there's also energy & creativity... But most of all, there's people. People who matter to God. And if they matter to God they should matter to us too... God called Jonah to the city. Maybe you already live in one...that's a mission field right there...a place to live out our faith with all the challenges of the city, as well as the opportunities... #lessonsfromJonah #lovepeople #somethingtochewon
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Romans 1:20 NLT If you look around, dig beneath the surface, look at  the created order with an open will point you to the Creator. If we just contemplate on what's been made...even the system that allows us to read these words...the it works...God's handiwork is everywhere to be seen and points us back to Him His divine nature is revealed in creation. Truth Justice Light Love These things are there to be seen...if we'd just look... #Romans #loveGod #lovepeople #truth
Jonah entered the city, went one days walk and preached, "In forty days Nineveh will be smashed" The people of Nineveh listened, and trusted God... Jonah 3:3-5 MSG Smashed. Love the MSG! The people (toughest, most bloodthirsty group in the world!) listened & trusted God! Jonah didn't know that there had been famines and uprisings in the city and the people were ready to hear God's call Jonah didn't know what else was going on in the background He just did what God asked of him. When God prompts us to act, to reach out, to encourage, to go...we need to follow His call 'cos we don't know what else is going on in other peoples lives, how God is working in the background...we don't know about Jonah's age, education, health or wealth...just that God called...& He calls us... Who is He prompting you and me to reach out to today? Will I dare to ask Him? #lessonsfromJonah #listen #lovepeople
Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: " Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you" Jonah 3:1-2 NLT It's easy to diss Jonah for running. But he was asked to go to the most hostile people on earth (think ISIS) & tell them they're wrong and it's time to love Jesus (by the way walk 1000km to get there) Not sure I'd be that keen. If you were God and had your choice of prophets for this important project, you'd choose the best. Someone you knew could do this. Even if they didn't. Is God calling you somewhere hard? Are you facing a Nineveh sized challenge? We've all got stuff that God has for us that we'd rather not do...rather run from. Whatever that is for you today, take God's hand and head towards it... #with #nofear #lessonsfromJonah
Friday! Proverbs! The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. Proverbs 12:22 NLT Sometimes Proverbs just makes me squirm...of course I don't tell lies...or do I? Do I tweak a story to make me look I economical with the truth, don't tell the whole story, & justify it because no one is hurt... Or how about just putting on a front when really I'm hurting and won't talk to anyone... Am I really honest to me about me? The hidden sins, the fears... God delight in the truth because He is the truth and when we tell it, we're reflecting Him. When we replace that tape in our head of whatever lies hold us back and replace it with the truth that we're dearly loved children of God...He loves that. 'Cos he loves. Us. #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." Romans 1:17 NLT It's so tempting to think that good people are OK with God  It's tempting to think that my standing with God improves when I'm good. But no. Paul is clear it's faith from start to finish that makes us right with's not my performance, my goodness, but faith in the good news of Jesus. So we can live without fear that God is judging our performance, we can live without fear of losing our right standing before God because we're not good enough...because we gained it thru faith. Alone. Society's measures of wealth fame beauty strength health ability gender ethnicity age...they don't make any's faith. Alone. #Romans #faith #nofear #inthistogether
Then God spoke to the fish, and it vomited up Jonah on the seashore. Jonah 2:10 MSG We want to work on our terms. We like (to think we're) in control But life isn't like that...there's an accident...a diagnosis...a failure... Things we thought were solid suddenly aren't Life can be messy It was pretty messy for Jonah...puked up on some unknown beach somewhere... But. From inside the whale he'd recommited to the adventure with God. In all of this I'm gonna trust God. In what looks like a place of complete darkness and failure I'm gonna trust God - trust Him in the dark - & prepared to go with Him wherever that adventure takes me #trustGodinthedark #adventure #faith #lessonsfromJonah #lifeisanadventure
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes... Romans 1:16 NIV Everyone Everyone who believes The gospel is for everyone,  & we are it's hands and feet in the world. We are it's megaphone, it's representatives, it's billboard, it's TV ad, marketing strategy, website, blog...and face. We are. To everyone. None are too far gone to believe and be welcomed into the Kingdom by grace. Sometimes we just need to care enough... #ouch #lovepeople #lostpeoplematter #grace #speaklife
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes... Romans 1:16 NIV Peter said that he would never deny Jesus, but then went on to do it 3 times. At least once today someone will ask me what I did on the weekend or how my weekend was. Am I going to say that the highlight was going to church on Sunday? And what I learned? Easiest thing to do...yet sometimes the hardest. Am I ashamed? Actually I agree with Paul. The gospel is the answer to the spiritual hunger in the world and is freely available to all who ask... And we have all been called to represent that gospel, that good news in some way...big or small, in the world we live in. How was your weekend? #Romans #faith #nofear #noreasontohide #lovepeople
Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight..he will not quarrel or cry out, no one will hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break...In his name the nations will put their hope. Matthew 12:18-21 NIV Mowed the lawns on Friday & as I did that I knocked a couple of flowers, damaged the stems...bruised them. Jesus came for the bruised. The damaged. The marginalised. The hurt. He was broken to bring healing. Not in a loud way. Not with shouting and winning arguments... But quietly and gently from within... Feeling bruised? God is not about breaking you, but restoring... Hope Hope for us, & hope for this world... #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #hope #jesusatthecentre #onedayallwillbemadenew
...I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. Romans 1:11-12 NLT Paul had some goodness to share and he was as keen as a bean to get to Rome and share what God had on his heart. Paul was a writer, but he was hanging out to meet. To look people in the eye. To see how they really are. And he really wanted to hear how their faith journey was going. How are you? Good. How are you? Good. Paul was interested in what's really going on - how's your heart. Let's talk a little about how God is working with you and how he's working on me. Let's keep it real. Let's meet. And check in. Let's get beneath the surface...and let's us encourage one another... #Romans #keepingitreal #encourageoneanother
Friday! Proverbs! Deceit fills hearts that are plotting evil; joy fills hearts that are planning peace! Proverbs 12:20 NLT But I don't plot evil! But I do think things about people that would hurt them, I do say things about people that just aren't necessary, I do talk myself up & put others down because it makes me look better...because my heart is deceitful... How different is my heart when I celebrate the good that happens to you, when I can be genuinely happy with your success (without comparing) when I genuinely forgive, when I plan for peace, to make things encourage, to empower, to offer strength when I have it, compassion when you need it...this is the kind of thing that fills your heart with joy... And we get to choose. Choose what thoughts we dwell on, what words we say...what actions we take... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #choose #speaklife
When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord...Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God's love for them.  But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, Salvation comes from the Lord Jonah 2:7-9 NIV CH Spurgeon said "To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark - that is faith" Jonah trusted in the dark. Not only that, but he had some kind of epiphany about the useless things that seemed so important, that distracted and dragged him away from God's love. In the dark, he gave those up and refocused his life on God... repurposed what remained...(he didn't know he was soon heading back to the light...) #lessonsfromJonah #faithinthedark #whataremyidols
From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. He said: "In my distress I called to the Lord...I called for help...  You hurled me into the depths, into the very heart of the seas, and the currents swirled about me...I said, I have been banished from your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple. Jonah 2:1-4 NIV Jonah was in a tough place. Out of his depth (lol) - but he was in a place that he'd had no experience of. He was in real trouble, fearful...upset...lost...without hope...yet...his cry continued to be to God. Yet he turned to Him Even when it seemed God had turned his back. Yet. If you feel like Jonah today, do what Jonah did and cry out to Him. Even if it seems God has turned his back... #lessonsfromJonah #weareallJonah
The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, "What should we do..." "Pick me up and throw me into the sea, he replied, and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you" Instead, the men did their best to row back to land... Jonah 1:11-13 NIV Even though the men on the boat were knew their problems were all with Jonah, they still wanted to save him. There is goodness and good people in this world even if they don't share our faith. There is compassion and love that flows through people because it's designed into us all by the Creator - and it points us back to Him And it reflects God's view that every life is precious... Glimpses of the Kingdom #lessonsfromJonah #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
...such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god. And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship... Jonah 1:4-5 NIV These guys were facing imminent death. They knew that their boat was on the brink of destruction and that would be the end. If we just work harder, do good, throw the cargo we thought was important overboard, we can save ourselves. But we can't. Grace is a gift that doesn't rely on our goodness, the things we do, but only on what Jesus did. Jonah was prepared to give his life to save a few sailors, but Jesus did give his life to save us all. Freely. Nothing we could do. That's love. #grace #itsagift #dearlyloved #lessonsfromJonah
Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill. He warned them not to tell others about him... Matthew 12:15-16 NIV Jesus backed away from a confrontation with the Pharisees about who he was and left. Just walked away. Note: We don't have to win every battle, every argument. Jesus walked away from the high profile "important" people and hung out with the "ordinary" the everyday people... And there, he brought healing. Simply. And to everyone. A glimpse of the Kingdom that he was launching where pain is gone, where there is restoration, where truth prevails, where Jesus is at the centre, with us, the ordinary... Glimpses of how it should be...may today you and I catch a glimpse of the Kingdom... #sunday #worship #hope #jesusatthecentre #thekingdomcome
But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish... ...After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose... Jonah 1:3-4 NIV When we turn from God, when we choose another path, when we go against what we know is right...God sends a warning. In this case a big unmissable storm. When I rebel, that storm may be my conscience, may be what someone else says to me, some passage of scripture or God's still small voice...but somehow God let's me know. He sends a warning. So what's your Nineveh? A place? A person you need to forgive? A habit you need to break? A weakness that needs to become a strength? Nineveh. Unknown. Scary. Tarshish. Apparently much more pleasant. No matter how hard or scary the road to Nineveh is, God is with you... #lessonsfromJonah #choose #with #theroad #inthistogether
Friday! Proverbs! The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18 NIV reckless heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous. How often do I say things that are just reckless? (All the time...) Words that don't consider you, where you're at right now, what you might be going thru... Words that are just rash...just fall out of my mouth without thought or filter...'cos I'm not thinking about you and how my words might cut like a sword... Lord help me today to bring words of healing, words of life, prompt me to hold back and listen, listen to the heart. Amen #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #grace #speaklife
God knows how often I pray for you. Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart... Romans 1:9 NLT Sometimes it seems that Paul is just laying it on a bit thick, it's just words... but then if you look at his background he was a high performer, focussed (see Acts 9:1-2) so if he says he's praying a lot for these people...then I think he was. Sometimes I say I'm praying for someone (it's an easy thing to say and makes everyone feel good) but don't actually pray :( Prayer for Paul was a habit & a constant part of his life. I need to be like Paul. His prayer focus was the needs of others. Prayer was part of his mission. So pray for people when you're with them, write your prayers and send them (even by txt is good) have a list, keep a journal, whatever works for you...just make it part of your mission... #Romans #famousfor #praylikePaul
I thank God through Jesus for every one of you. That's first. People everywhere keep telling me about your lives of faith... Romans 1:8 MSG Have you got a "heroe of the faith"? Someone who's an example? A motivation? One person for me is a person who's faith was consistent in all aspects of life. Work Personal Church They were all integrated and a whole. Merged. Seamless. Sometimes I wonder if I'm known for different things at work, at play, at home... Would the people I work with be surprised to see me in church? Does the way I live in all areas match what I believe? Am I famous for, known for, different things in different areas of life? Or am I heading towards a life of faith that is seamless. Merged. #Romans #famousfor #whatamIfamousfor
Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith in him is being talked about all over the world. Romans 1:8 NLT Reality TV, YouTube, snapchat...Facebook. We kind of want to be famous...even just a little bit. Paul says the church in Rome is famous for its faith. What's my church famous for? What are we known for? 'Cos my church, my small group, it's just a reflection of me... Am I famous for being exclusive? Gossip? Religion? Or am I famous for my faith? Generosity? Welcoming? What do I want to be known for? (If someone was to review my snapchat life, my FB life, what conclusions would they come to?) Lots of questions...but it's so easy to lose sight of what's really important as our culture tries to squeeze us into its mold #Romans #famousfor #loveGod #lovepeople
The Lord gave this message to Jonah son of Amittai: Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh... But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord... He bought a ticket and went on board, hoping to escape from the Lord by sailing to Tarshish. Jonah 1:1-3 NLT Ever been called by God to go? Jonah had a big C Call, to go and preach, to be a missionary in a really hard place, but I've had a few small c calls... like to change my attitude towards someone. To look out for the needs of others. To not be so grumpy Or what about to be holy, not to be forgive Whatever it is, when God calls, better to go with Him than the other way...when you want to go left & He calls you to go right...go right #weareallJonah #lessonsfromJonah
How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word. I'm single-minded in pursuit of you don't let me miss the road signs you've posted. I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I wont sin myself bankrupt... Psalm 119:6 MSG Got stuff to sort out in your life? 1. Get into God's Word for yourself. Do your own learning 2. Choose to follow God & His ways regardless of the consequences. It might be embarrassing, might be costly, but do it anyway 3. Hide God's Word in your heart. Read it. Memorise it. If we can get to church today, before we go, let's  ask God to speak to us through the word, the song, the people, His Spirit...look out for His road signs :) #psalms #psalm119 #theroad #inthistogether
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. Romans 1:8 NIV Paul is writing to a church - most of us don't get the chance to address a church, but we do get to greet each other. Before the greeting he's been doing something - praying. His prayer is thankful for the people in his life, & their area of strength (in this case - their faith) Before I can tell you I'm thanking God for you - I need to BE thanking God for you! Today's mission is to just thank God for some of the people in your life, name them & the strengths you see in them, how they've helped your journey, why they're important... Then sometime greet them with "I thank God for you because of your___" #Romans #lovepeople
Friday! Proverbs! Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. Proverbs 12:16 NIV So quick to get annoyed. That's me. And it shows on my face.  I'm annoyed & i want you to know it... Without thinking Without considering what's going on for you Without hearing your heart Without allowing the gospel of Grace, the Kingdom, of Hope permeate my life...and my reaction...that's what makes me a fool. And it's that Grace that allows me to overlook the insult too. If Jesus can, then I can learn to. If He can die for those who insult him, then I can let it slide...because I'm secure in God's love, chosen, dearly loved, my future is's OK #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #grace #lovepeopletothenextlevel
1. Grace 2. Kingdom of God 3. Hope "What exactly is our Christian hope? Where is life leading?  Without a biblically formed grasp on Christian hope we have a reduced gospel which almost inevitably climaxes in some form of personal escapism from a wicked world rather than the glorious climax of not just a reborn us, but a gloriously rebirthed creation. Our faith becomes introspective rather than all embracing, focussed on personal devotion rather than encompassing every aspect of life on this earth" Had to read this more than once lol...hope is more than being just about's much bigger and all's the Big Story of God wanting all of us to know Him, it's the love story of the creator giving freedom, making a way by humbling himself, yet looking forward to a wonder filled new creation of which we have but glimpses today... #onedayallwillbemadenew #hope
1. Grace 2. Kingdom of God "The Kingdom of God  coming in Jesus was the good news that Jesus fleshed out and proclaimed. If we don't appreciate what he meant by that expression and how it relates to our life and our world today then we proclaim a half baked gospel and struggle to establish the relevance of Jesus beyond offering a personal spirituality.  We miss the immensity of Jesus' good news, miss the adventure of sharing in his mission and lose a vital point of contact with a sceptical world" The Kingdom is the answer to the world's problems, it should permeate our politics, our work, our relationships, our everyday let's us see hurt loss grief and pain in the context of the gospel and God's Big Story, not just me and mine...and it generates the urgency that Paul talked of at the beginning of Romans to connect with this world the Kingdom reality... #itsanadventure #inthistogether
Not verses, but next 3 days 3 things our Pastor shared on Sunday... 1. Grace "God's extraordinary, unlimited, love and good will towards all he has made, even the most disinterested and undeserving. Miss God's grace and he remains distant and demanding, our faith remains wooden and we easily become judgemental of others. Catch a glimpse of God's grace and we cant help but be grateful, can't help but worship. Know our lives touched by God's grace and its hard to be condemning of others.  Even just paddle in the shallows of grace and you cannot help but want to go into the deeper waters of God's extraordinary love" It's this grace that stops Christianity from being a religion, it's grace that allows me to be me, and you to be you & that's OK, it's grace that means God meets us where we are & journies with's grace that gives us the right to choose...and it's grace that gives me hope #grace #hope
Through him we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. You are who you are through this gift and call of Jesus Christ! And I greet you now with all the generosity of God our Father and our Master Jesus, the Messiah. Romans 1:4-7 MSG You are who you are through Jesus. This is our identity & our security now & our security & hope for the matter what. And the task is urgent. Today is the day to represent Him to the world...wherever we are. Greet the next person you meet with all the generosity of Jesus...if we can't manage that at least a smile :) God's love is directed towards all people - mine tends to be more selective - "Lord help me to see people like you do, and love them as you do..." #Romans #lovepeople
The Good News is about his Son. In his earthly life he was born into King David's family line, and he was shown to be the Son of God when he was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 1:3-4 NLT Paul starts his letter with who he is, then gives us with absolute clarity, so there can be no mistake...who Jesus is. Jesus the man who came from human royalty, who is also God's son, the one who was raised from the dead. Fully human. Fully God. The trinity of God revealed. The power of the Holy Spirit shown. Jesus. Paul's Lord.  The same one we call Lord, the same one we come together to worship. The same one who was there at creation, who became redemption, and who's purpose is restoration... No matter what we face, it's Jesus we choose to follow, who we choose to call Lord... #jesusatthecentre #sunday #worship #thisisourGod
...Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God... sent out to preach his Good News. God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures. The Good News is about his Son... Romans 1:1-3 NLT Everything I've got to say to you is framed by the "big story"'s not something new I've made up but goes back to Creation, the Fall, Redemption & Restoration... it's all about Jesus. He was there in the beginning & he not only made a way, he is the way. Why does Paul start here? Because our story is part of this Big Story, & we forget & put ourselves in the middle... when life seems to fall apart, when it makes no sense, when it's just unfair...we need to remind ourselves we're part of the Big Story #jesusatthecentre #itsalovestory
Friday! Proverbs! The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. Proverbs 12:15 NIV Nice straight forward proverb. Don't always take your own advice! But let's put Jesus in this... and suddenly there's the Pharisees who think that there own righteousness can save them, that if they're good enough they'll be blessed... & Jesus says your listening to your own advice! Get back to the heart of God! And what is Jesus saying to you & me today? "Don't listen to your own advice. Don't second guess, don't waver...listen to me. I love you. I know you. My heart breaks for you. I died for you. One day I'm coming again for you. Whatever you face today...I am, the I Am, is with you..." #jesusatthecentre #believe #nomatterwhat #with #proverbs
Lord , sustain me as you promised, that I may live! Do not let my hope be crushed. Sustain me, and I will be rescued; then I will meditate continually on your decrees. Psalms 119:116-117 NLT Ever feel like your at the end of you're endurance, that your strength is gone...that hope is gone... the psalmist here is in exactly that place... And where does he turn? Not away from God but towards Him. He knows that ultimately all hope rests only in God - our hope for life eternal, our hope of when all things will be made new, our hope of the end of pain, hurt, loss & even death itself...and in the meantime he keeps calling out to the One (even tho it seems answers aren't forthcoming) he keeps searching God's word (even tho today it may seem lifeless and void) So when our own resources  are depleted...keep coming back to God... #hope
I, Paul, am a devoted slave of Jesus Christ on assignment, authorised as an apostle to proclaim God's words and acts. I write this letter to all the believers in Rome, God's friends. Romans 1:1 MSG On assignment. We all have one... it might have a permanent overarching component like being God's hands and feet in the world, and maybe there's today. What's my assignment today? Is there going to be a moment when I needs to show grace, to say or do something for someone... or maybe it's not to say the first thing that pops in my head because that's critical and ugly and doesn't speak life... Am I prepared to ask God right now for today's assignment? Lord what's your assignment for me today? #justdoit #onassignment #Romans
I, Paul, am a devoted slave of Jesus Christ on assignment, authorized as an apostle to proclaim God's words and acts. I write this letter to all the believers in Rome, God's friends. Romans 1:1 MSG OK so here we go: I am, thru faith in Jesus, declared innocent. I'm chosen, an adopted and dearly loved child of God, who's mission is to become more like Jesus, to love Him & represent Him in the world, and to love the people He's brought into my life. Just encourage you to write  your thoughts  down...there's something powerful in writing our position in God in our own words... #chosen #redeemed #forgiven #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News. Romans 1:1 NLT This is almost like a CV - this is who I am my qualification & my purpose. Have you ever tried to capture that for yourself? What would you and I write? Wanna try it? Who am I? Where am I with God? What qualifies me? What would God have me do? It's one thing to think about, another to write it down... I'll have a crack and send mine tomorrow... #Romans #purpose #somethingtochewon
Don't eavesdrop on others - you may hear your servant curse you. For you know how often you yourself have cursed others. Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 NLT We get so righteous and indignant when we hear what others say about us... their version of events is not ours, it's just not true... how dare they... But. Wisdom says I haven't always been fair when I've talked about others... I've stretched things to make me or my position look (even just a little) better... & so it is with the overheard conversation, the second hand report... So don't take everything you hear to heart. Don't take those comments others make too seriously.  (Unless there's enough truth to point to something we should address, but more often...let it go) Jesus knew what others were saying about him, and in the ultimate act, died for them anyway... #gatherwisdom #somethingtochewon #grace #forgiven
Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins. Ecclesiastes 7:20 NLT No matter who we are...none of us are perfect... Amongst all this wisdom none of us get it all right all the time... or know all the answers. We're  all fatally flawed. That not only (should) keep us should allow us to extend grace to others when they stumble or fall... We're all equally in need of grace...not just for salvation, but to make it thru this life... #gatherwisdom #somethingtochewon #lovepeople #grace
Friday! Not Proverbs! So don't be too good or too wise! Why destroy yourself? On the other hand, don't be too wicked either. Don't be a fool! Why die before your time? Pay attention to these instructions, for anyone who fears God will avoid both extremes. Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 NLT Interesting's not saying don't be passionate or resolute in what you believe, or that compromise is the only way forward...but to avoid extremism. Because in being extreme we so easily lose sight of people, other people. We get frustrated that they don't see the issue or the world the way we do...and we lose them. Extremism divides, & we risk losing our influence, perspective & balance... So easy to lose sight of what Love says when we're on the extreme... #gatherwisdom #somethingtochewon #lovepeople
...I have seen both of these: the righteous perishing in their righteousness, and the wicked living long in their wickedness. Ecclesiastes 7:15 NIV I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11 NIV Much as we hate to admit it, our parents tried to teach us, we've no doubt seen this in our lives and in the lives of on this earth is not always fair. Sometimes there is no answer. We may not like it, but wisdom says it's true. Its easy to put ourselves on the losing side of unfair, but if you've grown up in a UN refugee camp in the Sudan, (or 1,000 other examples from around the world) just looking in on your life in NZ says loudly that life is not fair... #gatherwisdom #somethingtochewon
When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this; God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future. Ecclesiastes 7:14 NIV We like to think that we're in control of everything, masters of our destiny...if we work hard we'll win... But...wisdom says that ain't always the case...that sometimes despite our best efforts we don't make the cut, that bad stuff happens in this world, that despite our research or investment...we lose... Wisdom says there are good days and there are bad days, and they aren't necessarily connected to anything you or I have done...or not done. So enjoy the good wherever you find it... #gatherwisdom #somethingtochewon
Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked? Ecclesiastes 7:13 NIV If I was God there's a few things I'd do differently -,and there's a few things I'd fix - right now! But I'm not...and in this world there are some things that you just can't fix. Doesn't mean we shouldn't fight for what is right or stand against injustice or be part of God's restoration of this world... Doesn't mean we give up walking with someone who's struggling... Or maybe it's a more personal hurt that is crippling, or a physical ailment...even Paul prayed for healing that never came... Wisdom says hand it over to God, keep talking with Him, but accept that there are some things you just can't fix #gatherwisdom #somethingtochewon
Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun.  Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it. Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 NIV Had a great message on Wisdom from Ecc 7 last will try and share the key things I learned... Wisdom is a good thing for all of us who walk on the earth - it provides shelter...and ultimately it preserves because it brings us into a right relationship with God - that's the best preservation possible So gather wisdom From God His Word His people People in general - made in the image & likeness of God there are glimpses of Him in all people & pieces of wisdom can be found everywhere... #wisdom #itsagoodthing #gather
Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus. Matthew 12:13-14 NIV So Jesus worked on the Sabbath. Was that all it took to get him killed? Or was it that the Pharisees were afraid that their power base and livelihood was at risk? I have a touch of Pharisee too...when God works in someone's life I've been part of I'd like some credit too. What about me? Or maybe you've planned out your life but God clearly has something different for you... Jesus challenges the status quo - don't plot to kill him off #sunday #worship #lostanhour
How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.   Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand" So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus. Matthew 12:12-14 NIV People That's who Jesus came for, that's what He was all about. People Us He saw value where others didn't, & brought physical healing...simply and without show again that He is who He said He is. But the Pharisees couldn't see it. They couldn't see the man with a need, they couldn't see Jesus for who he was as they were bound up in their own world view. We need to keep challenging our own behaviour and choices so that we don't lose sight of what's most important #lovepeople
Friday! Already! From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. Proverbs 12:14 NIV What we say And What we do So often we focus on the negative, don't do...don't say...don't talk like that But this proverb is all about the blessing that flows from speaking well and of doing good. Sometimes its easy...its an overflow of a heart that is joyful... and then there are times when its hard, when we feel that life stinks, our hearts are dry... And this proverb gently encourages us to speak life anyway, to do good anyway... and while the reward may not be will arrive :) #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon
Then Jesus went over to their synagogue, where he noticed a man with a deformed hand... Matthew 12:9 NLT Jesus noticed. The Greek word used here is horoa which means "to see", to perceive, to attend's like this person had become invisible to everyone but Jesus. He wasn't part of the in-crowd, the popular or the important But Jesus saw him And He sees us. Even with our brokenness & hurts...whether that's on the outside like this guy, or on the inside (like the Pharisees) Jesus really sees us. And in seeing, says you're important, you're loved, you're the reason I'm here... And to be Jesus hands and feet we need to see people too...the invisible...the not so popular...those on the margins... #lovepeople
Then Jesus went over to their synagogue, where he noticed a man with a deformed hand. The Pharisees asked Jesus, "Does the law permit a person to work by healing on the Sabbath?" (They were hoping he would say yes, so they could bring charges against him.) And he answered "If you had a sheep that fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldnt you work to pull it out? Of course you would.  And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Yes, the law permits a person to do good on the Sabbath" Matthew 12:9-12 NLT For all their love of the law and doing what's "right" they'd lost sight of the person. With Jesus it's all about the people. Us He sees what is broken on the outside but also what is broken on the inside - & that we are all equally in need of grace. #wordsofJesus #grace
And haven't you read...that the priests on duty in the Temple may work on the Sabbath? I tell you, there is one here who is even greater than the Temple! But you would not have condemned...if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: "I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices" Matthew 12:5-7 NLT Not only was Jesus clearly stating that he was the long waited for Messiah, but the importance of knowing God's word for yourself...and... not missing the heart of it. Even in the midst of the old sacrificial system it wasn't the ritual in itself God was interested in, it wasn't obedience to a rule - it was and is and always will be about the heart. Mercy trumps sacrifice It's the law of love that drives God and what He wants to drive us too... Where do I need to let mercy triumph? #itstheheart #wordsofJesus
For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ... Ephesians 1:5 AMPC Someone once told this story: A young couple had planned for and longed for a child. The baby was born, but lived only a few days &  she died. Some "kind" person said "you're young, you can have another" While that may have been true, in their hearts, no matter how many children they went on to have, there would always be a gap in their heart for the one who was lost. God is like that parent. Just much bigger, but with a place in His heart that only you can fill - and somehow he knew that from before time - so in case you forgot, you're dearly loved... #dearlyloved #childrenofGod
Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. Ephesians 1:4 AMPC In school did you ever have games where 2 captains picked their teams...who they wanted first? God says to each of us "I pick you first" I want you on my team. You Chosen Known Loved And when we respond to that call to join His team, to step out of the line, blameless Blameless Our sin is dealt with, our past is irrelevant, our future is secure, and our to be lived! Lived in the freedom that we are chosen... #dearlyloved #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #free
The grace (spiritual favor and blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) be with your spirit. Amen (so be it). Philippians 4:23 AMPC Oct 14, 2015 we started Philippians 1:1 with a reflection on Paul & Timothy, teams, being in this together...& today we finish this book with a blessing from Paul - may the grace of the Lord be with your spirit - so be it May that grace be known to you today. Sometimes it's there and we don't see's there in a word or a touch, it's there in creation, design, beauty, or its there deep in our soul (but we let the noise of this world crowd it out) The ultimate team is God within us... May your heart be encouraged today, and may you choose to touch the life of someone else, to speak life and blessing today... #philippians #inthistogether #grace #sobeit
Friday! Proverbs! The wicked are trapped by their own words, but the godly escape such trouble. Proverbs 12:13 NLT Have you ever been trapped by your own words? Happens to me too often & I need to apologise, back off, change tack... Happened this week when a conversation drifted into criticism and I went happily with it... And why? Because the values that I believe and want to live by are at war with my inclination - where I go way too easily The godly escape all this - it's called sanctification - the ongoing, lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus Jesus loved people. Delighted in them He knows that in all of us is someone made in the image of God...and as my heart gets more aligned with his, my thoughts and words will no longer trap me... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #itstheheart
Give our regards to every follower of Jesus you meet. Our friends here say hello. All the Christians here, especially the believers who work in the palace of Caesar, want to be remembered to you... Philippians 4:21-22 MSG As Paul wraps up his letter with some final encouragement he includes  the astounding claim of Christians within Caesars house - Caesar who was "god" - and these people were sending their love and encouragement out...maybe there's people you know who live or work in Caesars house - places that are anti christian - who could do with our ongoing support and encouragement. Often those who live in adversity have the most outward looking faith... Who do I know who lives or works in the house of Caesar that I can encourage? #encourageoneanother
But I have [your full payment] and more; I have everything I need and am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent me. [They are the] fragrant odor of an offering and sacrifice which God welcomes and in which He delights. Philippians 4:18 AMPC Every gift, every act of grace, every time we do something sacrificially, when we do something for others no matter how small or how big...that's something God welcomes and delights in! He knows. And He loves it! Because He loves you and delights in you :) What opportunity is there today to delight God? Lord, give me the opportunity today to bless or encourage someone in a new way for me, and Lord, give me the courage to do it. Amen #grace #lovepeople #loveinaction 
Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account. Philippians 4:17 NIV Giving somehow blesses us, and develops our's not about the gift or the size if it, but what giving does to us... I don't think God is keeping a tab of the good things we do in the context of who's doing more...but in the cumulative effect of grace in the world around us as we help a neighbour, or someone with their assignment, a task, bear someones burden, share their load, or feed someone, visit, encourage...and give...this is God's grace at work in the world through us...and us as well. Grace changes us when we receive it...and also when we give it... #somethingtochewon #grace #lovepeople
Even when I was in Thessalonica you sent help more than once. I don't say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness. Philippians 4:16-17 NLT Your giving (as the Msg translation says) was a beautiful thing. The Philippians gave and even when Paul was at another church gave some more. One of the challenging things in our culture is to give, support, love, encourage people when their situation is chronic, when their condition won't improve... We're often good at helping - once. Here Paul is commending his supporters for keeping in the game. So don't give up on doing good...give again, invite again, cook a meal for someone again, visit again, send an encouragement again... #keepinthegame #lovepeople
You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope. Psalms 119:114 NLT To need a refuge and a shield their must be something to fear, something we need protection from...what is it in your life? For me it's often the battle within...about choices, attitudes, actions...fears... What about you? And where do we turn? The Psalmist looks to our God first & foremost. And it is in Him that hope is placed. In His word. The word became flesh and dwelled amongst us, personified God, represents God to us, and represents us to God. In him is my hope. That Jesus is who he said he is...and that one day all will be made new #jesusatthecentre #sunday #worship #thisisourGod #hope
And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. He said to the Israelites, "In the future when your descendants ask their parents, "What do these stones mean?" tell them..." Joshua 4:20-22 NIV Stories Memorials Not just any stories, but the stories of God's miracles, His intervention, His activity in your life and in your heart, your experience of Him... Why? Because we forget. We forget who God is, we forget what He's done, we forget what He's done in our lives & the lives of others & let our circumstances or our feelings dictate how we see God Unless we have some memorial stones of when God did... of answers to prayer, of lives changed, of who God is, what He is about in the world...& our part in it... #memorials #stories #somethingtochewon
Friday! Proverbs! Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense. Proverbs 12:11 NIV Work your land - use your skills, talents & resources & you'll probably be OK...but when we "bet the farm" on that one deal, the deal that all the advice says won't work, or we take our paycheck to the casino, or believe that the lotto numbers are ours - this week! - that's chasing fantasies. It may even be subtler than that...i want to be the mayor, CEO, PM, All Blk captan or ? when I'm not prepared to put in the effort, study, practice, sacrifice or what it takes to get there... Yes shoot for the stars, aim high, but Solomon here says use some wisdom as well... #proverbs #wisdom #somethingtochewon #keepingitreal
He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?...  Or havent you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty... Matthew 12:3-5 NIV How much of our faith are we consuming second hand? We read books about the Bible, listen to sermons by others but just don't take the time to dig into it for ourselves... In this case the teachers of the law had read it, but misused it to suit their own purposes... No better investment than having a dig around in God's word for yourself... meditate on it... muse on it... get beyond what others say and engage with The Word... #wordsofJesus #haventyouread #muse