Not verses, but next 3 days 3 things our Pastor shared on Sunday...
1. Grace
"God's extraordinary, unlimited, love and good will towards all he has made, even the most disinterested and undeserving.
Miss God's grace and he remains distant and demanding, our faith remains wooden and we easily become judgemental of others.
Catch a glimpse of God's grace and we cant help but be grateful, can't help but worship.
Know our lives touched by God's grace and its hard to be condemning of others. Even just paddle in the shallows of grace and you cannot help but want to go into the deeper waters of God's extraordinary love"
It's this grace that stops Christianity from being a religion, it's grace that allows me to be me, and you to be you & that's OK, it's grace that means God meets us where we are & journies with's grace that gives us the right to choose...and it's grace that gives me hope
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