"You have heard that it was said, Don't ______. But I say to you...in his heart"
Matthew 5:27-28 CEB
Jesus moves the goalposts.
Changes the game.
Makes the law impossible to meet and the consequences outrageous.
He seems to be doing two things:
Helping us to see that we simply can't be righteous enough to be holy.
Even though we might obey the rules our hearts and minds can and do so easily go to places that are not in line with Gods plan for our thriving.
We all need Grace.
Even the best person you can think of.
We all need Grace.
It's not the outward compliance with the law that has the last word, it's the inner person, our motivations and desires that can be good, can mostly be good, can almost always be good.
Grace says "I love you human, knowing that you are just that, human, and together we will gently work on motivation and thoughts and wants and that's OK, but that big question of 'am I good enough for God?', I've got that for you, the Cross makes the answer available, and faith makes it yours"
This Grace gives us the space to be with God, to let the Spirit minister to us in His unique way to your unique you, and to breathe.
Breathe in the beauty and goodness He has for us...
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