A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.
The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Proverbs 27:12 NLT
This proverb doesn't mean that we should be able to anticipate every bad thing that might happen, but does seem to say that we should keep our eyes open to danger, trouble, problems.
When I avoid or delay going to the dentist, the Dr, get our car serviced, I am the person going blindly on.
When I think I can be healthy and ignore my diet or never exercise I am being a simpleton!
When I ignore the weather report or the accountants advice, or keep spending on things I don't really need I may well suffer the consequences.
I wonder if this proverb would also like us to consider our moral choices.
What about the danger to our spirit, our walk with God? Where am I being wise?
And where am I just going blindly on?
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