"Don't even begin to think that I have come to do away with the Law and the Prophets.
I haven't come to do away with them but to fulfill them."
Matthew 5:17 CEB
All that Old Testament law isn't just a bunch of rules and tick boxes and ways of making us feel bad because we can't do it all, aren't good enough, don't measure up. They're pointing us somewhere.
Pointing us to Jesus.
All those prophets and their stories, their revelations, their wrestling with God, with his people, with themselves, they're pointing us somewhere.
Pointing us to Jesus.
Jesus makes a massive claim here, he's not claiming to be another prophet, but the fulfillment of the prophets.
The embodiment of all of that revelation of God, his heart for people, his desire to commune with us, his holiness, justice, all of it, jammed into a person.
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