Sunday Psalms;
Psalm 43 is like an extension of 42 and ends with the same refrain at the end:
Why, my soul,
are you so dejected? Why are you in such turmoil?
Put your hope in God,
for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God.
Psalms 43:5 CSB
There is a similar call for God to rescue the writer from deceitful and unjust people, a cry to God because he feels abandoned.
And then there are these beautiful phrases:
For you are the God of my refuge.
Psalms 43:2 CSB
Send your light and your truth; let them lead me.
Psalms 43:3 CSB
Trust and hope can be rare commodities when things are not going well. When we're let down, betrayed, hurt by others actions and choices. When there's loss, grief, turmoil, disappointment.
Hold on to what is True.
And even in those times, let God's light and truth lead.
Being led implies movement. Movement can be small, almost imperceptible some days, we might only notice it looking back.
Refuge. A place of rest and safety is still a place of movement, moving despair to hope, rejection to acceptance, from unloved to beloved.
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