Sunday Psalms;
For the Choir Director;
according to "the Lilies".
A Maskil of the Sons of Korah.
A love song.
My heart is moved by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king;
Psalms 45:1 CSB
Not only is this Psalm marked as a love song, it's even got the tune identified. No doubt today you'd hear this song on the radio or Spotify or wherever you find your music today.
The thing I love about this is that the writer is writing about what has or is moving their heart. That's where the freedom is;
What is moving your heart?
Today it could be grief, loss, hurt, struggle, fear.
It could be beauty, compassion, success, growth, gratitude, safety, love.
What is moving your heart today?
This Psalm gives us the freedom to think on it, process it, write about it, write about how we feel, express it in some way through music or art or words or some form.
Give expression to what moves your heart.
And share it.
This love song got into the biggest selling book of all time! Maybe just with one person who you trust is enough and see what happens.
What is moving your heart?
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