Take the garment of the person who secures a loan for a stranger;
take his pledge for a foreigner.
Proverbs 27:13 CEB
Some things come across as strange when we live in a world of plenty. Consider for a moment the effort and resources required to make clothing from scratch rather than K Mart.
If you had a spare garment that you weren't wearing, or a coat to keep you warm it would be incredibly valuable.
Valuable enough that you'd pay back your loan to redeem your coat.
And a "foreigner" may have a different set of values to someone raised in your culture, so holding security for a loan to someone who may not get the way your society works makes sense.
So how do we make sense of this?
Why is this Proverb here?
Is it to help me realise that not everyone sees things the same way I do?
Is it about being wise?
Was it placed here just so from our vantage point it stands in contrast to Jesus who gave up his garment, who didn't just loan something of value but gave everything, risking it all, on us, His beloved...
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