If one blesses his neighbor with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be counted as a curse to him.
Proverbs 27:14 CSB
I wonder if God just smiles when He thinks about this Proverb is sitting in the middle of the Bible!
I also wonder if it stretches to my neighbours dog who likes to bless the neighbourhood early in the morning...
This word bless also means to kneel, so it does seem to carry a religious meaning, so if I'm doing something and it's annoying the people I live with or those around me, even if it's something spiritual or religious, then I need to find another way, place or time.
This is love your neighbour 101.
This is basic "love is kind".
Beneath the humerous surface of this Proverb is a nudge at my heart. My loud and boisterous "Good morning!" before the other person is really awake might be funny once a year, but it soon becomes unfunny, unloving and unkind, and displays a heart that says "I'm better than you cos I'm up earlier" or something like that.
Beneath God's smile at this proverb there's a nudge at my heart.
Our God does smile when He thinks of you though, because you are Beloved.
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