Therefore, brothers and sisters,
make every effort
to confirm your calling and election,
because if you do these things you will never stumble.
2 Peter 1:10 CSB
Yes, I don't want to stumble, but I know that I do.
Pete refers to our calling. That takes us back to V3. It's God who called us.
Your name, my name, called by God, wanted by Him, to belong.
And "election"?
We have an election coming up where we get to choose.
Pete is telling us to work hard to remind ourselves that we've been chosen.
We can only know and love a limited number of people.
But God's heart is bigger. He's called each of us by name, and He has chosen you.
Work hard to remember that, because we forget. When stuff happens, when I've made a poor choice, when I've failed, when I listen to the lies, I easily forget.
Forget that I am known, that I belong, that I've been called.
And chosen.
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