In the beginning
was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
John 1:1 CSB
No nice intro to set the scene or warm us up with John.
John is all about the Word.
The Word.
The "logos".
The "logos" is like the expression of a concept, the embodiment of an idea.
The Word is the person of Jesus.
The expression of,
the embodiment of, God.
He is from before time, outside of time.
He was there at creation of time.
He is God.
Sometimes my picture of Jesus is more the scraggly rabbi walking between towns 2,000 years ago, and I lose sight of the Logos, the embodiment of God, who created time.
Who built space.
The expression of God.
At the same time Jesus is God, and wandered the villages and synagogues.
We cannot settle for a small Jesus.
Rest today in knowing the Logos, the very expression of, the embodiment of the Eternal.
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