The next day, John was standing with two of his disciples.
When he saw Jesus passing by, he said,
"Look, the Lamb of God!"
The two disciples heard him say this and followed Jesus.
John 1:35-37 CSB
Some translations use "Look!", some use "behold".
The word apparently has a look beneath the surface, really see kind of vibe.
Look here's the One I've been telling you about, preparing you to meet.
Here's the One who is the Messiah.
Look here's the One who is the Son of God.
Look here's the One who is the atoning lamb.
And John's disciples, his crew, his followers immediately shifted allegiance.
This is what John was preparing people to do:
follow Jesus.
John wasn't interested in the prestige or power of having his own disciples, his own following, but in pointing people to Jesus.
It's tricky to have that pure motive tho.
Or maybe that's just me :/
John was all about helping people look, to behold, to really see Jesus.
May our people see something of Jesus in us today.
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