"So take courage, men, because I believe God that it will be just the way it was told to me.
But we have to run aground on some island."
Acts 27:25-26 CSB
In this account of the storm they had tried everything they knew. They'd thrown valuable cargo overboard to lighten the load, they'd strengthened the ship to weather the storm.
Good things.
But the apostle Paul had a counter intuitive word from God.
To give up the boat entirely and to save everyone.
To crash the ship.
Crashing the ship would mean giving up something important, it's mission, it's value.
To save the people.
So that not one would be lost.
Jesus crashed the ship.
Gave up the glory of heaven and crashed it all on the cross.
To save the people.
So that not one would be lost.
To save us
To save me.
To save me, Jesus crashed the ship.
Sometimes God calls us & our church's to live counter to the wisdom of the world, to be radically different, to be prepared to give up the cargo, and maybe in some way to crash what we've held to be so important.
It's probably got something to do with loving people
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