Don't say,
"I will avenge this evil!" Wait on the Lord,
and he will rescue you.
Proverbs 20:22 CSB
There are days when I've said exactly this!
One day I was in my car and someone was crossing the road in front of me.
This person had hurt someone I cared about, and my thought was to run them over and call it an accident.
I will avenge.
I decided.
I was going to mete out justice.
I ran no one over that day, and this proverb is all about rescuing me from that desire.
Not from the desire that there should be justice, or that actions have consequences, but from my desire to be the prosecutor, the defence, the judge, jury and executor of justice.
My heart can't be trusted with that.
"Lord, rescue me from that desire.
But at the same time, I want to see justice, I am angry about injustice, cry for those victimised.
Help me to follow you, the Just One, who stepped in to our broken world not in power, but in humility.
Rescue me from my own heart, even as I seek to see justice now, knowing that I am justified only by your grace.
What a gift.
Thank you Jesus.
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