The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,
"Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29 CSB
John is busy baptising people, has just had this big discussion with the Pharisees, and Jesus turns up.
And John's intro?
No family history, no this is where he comes from, what his job was, no "here's my cousin Jesus".
Maybe John thought he had one shot to connect Jesus with the people who were there, and he introduces him as the lamb from Isaiah 53.
The one who is greater than me, who I've been pointing you to, the one who is enough to deal with your sin and mine, the one who can atone, make things right with God.
This is Jesus
Maybe that's not the intro we would use today, but sometimes it can feel like our sin, our stuff, is too big, too much.
And John reminds us that no, here is Jesus, the only one who is enough.
He is enough.
No matter how big or how ugly our stuff is, Jesus is enough.
That can be humbling, and scary, and so relieving at the same time.
He is enough.
Sacrificing ourselves thru serving, thinking we can just be good enough, maybe even punishing ourselves in some way will not do it.
John says here's Jesus.
He's enough for the whole world
And he's enough for you.
Rest in that today.
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