The chief priests and the scribes heard it and started looking for a way to kill him.
For they were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was astonished by his teaching.
Whenever evening came, they would go out of the city.
Mark 11:28-19 CSB
Jesus had just cleaned out the outer temple where people were doing business.
Was it business that Jesus was concerned about?
It seems that it was the place. The place where anyone could come to worship God, and the Chief Priests must've allowed that to happen. They'd taken away the place where anyone from any background could come and worship God, and used it to support their finances and power. Their authority.
Whenever I read about the Chief Priests there's always something there that reflects my heart.
I want to hang on to my authority.
Some days I just don't want to submit my life to Jesus.
Just like the Pharisees, when Jesus turns up, I leave town.
I can avoid community, avoid opening God's word, avoid letting it apply to my life, because I want to keep my own authority over me.
Jesus was days away from the cross.
It's Good Friday tomorrow.
The Pharisees were focused on what they were losing, and missing the avalanche of grace that was coming their way.
The grace that we've received.
When Jesus turns up, don't leave.
His heart is for us.
His grace is ours.
The cross tells us that.
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