"...whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:43-45 CSB
Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem.
To the first Easter.
Two of his team want to be in charge. In control.
And Jesus gives them another lesson in the upsidedown kingdom.
A servant has less rights, less choices, and we're getting an enforced taste of that in NZ now.
Jesus came to serve.
To put others needs ahead of his own.
He gave up his freedom, his rights, and his life, for us. And here he tells his team that this is the way of the Kingdom.
This is tough teaching.
I don't like giving up my rights or my freedom or my choices. Right now in NZ I'm being asked to do that, partly for me, but mostly for my neighbour.
For others
Maybe #Level4 is a bit of a picture of the Kingdom Jesus was not just talking about, but was on his way to usher in.
Jesus gave up his rights and choices because he loves us, and asks us to follow him...
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