Friday! Proverbs!
Honor belongs to the person who ends a dispute,
but any fool can get himself into a quarrel.
Proverbs 20:3 CSB
It's the easiest thing in the world to get into an argument.
This may be about honouring the person who mediates between others and finds a solution, great skills to have.
But what if it's more personal?
How do I end a dispute?
That can take a few things:
Wanting to end it.
Identifying the problem
Being humble
Wanting to love the other person well
Being able to hold compassion and justice
Being able to speak truth and love.
Being willing to step in, to step towards.
This points us to one person, to Jesus, who ended our dispute with God by humbling himself, coming as a servant, speaking truth and love, and his compassion took him to the cross.
For us.
He asks us to simply follow him.
To be like him
To love like him
Even in this time of Less Choice, we can still choose to love like Jesus.
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