Since you have purified yourselves by your obedience to the truth...
1 Peter 1:22 CSB
Peter is writing to a culture brought up on cleanliness rituals.
Always having to be sure they'd followed the right process to be good enough for God.
He's saying to them "it's OK, you've been purified, you believe the truth of who Jesus is, and living in obedience to that truth is enough."
What would he say to us today?
All that striving to be good enough, you are enough.
That image.
That profile.
That having to be different, unique.
The living up to others expectations, or even your own.
That thinking it's all on your's OK.
When you believe in Jesus and live in the light of that, you are enough.
Being adopted by God means you can't be unadopted.
Jesus finished work on the cross was enough.
You're enough.
You are loved.
Right now, in this moment.
Rest in that for a moment.
I think Pete would say something like that to us today (& wash your hands, Level3 tomorrow)
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