Since you have purified yourselves by your obedience to the truth, so that you show sincere brotherly love for each other, from a pure heart love one another constantly,
1 Peter 1:22 CSB
Yesterday it was about (re)opening the borders of our hearts. In this verse are two checks on that that keep us safe, and reviewing our "why".
Back in the good old days of Level 4, we saw a lady with a crutch walking home struggling under the weight of her groceries.
Helping someone feels good (esp if they're grateful) but Peter wants us to love from a pure heart.
Whether my offer was accepted or rejected, whether I was thanked, offered payment, or treated as a servant, should not change my offer.
Getting to the motivation of my heart can be a tricky thing, it's not a one-off activity, but an ongoing review of the good and not so good that goes on there.
Part 3 tomorrow. For today:
Open the borders of our hearts.
Keep checking on our motives.
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