Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27 CSB
Where is James looking?
Upwards towards God.
He is living his life and calls us to live ours "Coram Deo" in the presence of, before the face of, God.
Look up.
And then he calls us to live out. To see those who need help and to step towards them.
And to help.
Help to bear their burdens
And then it's about the heart. Keeping an eye on our motives, not to be stained by something doesn't mean not being in contact with it, but not letting it leave its mark, to permanently affect us.
Fear, anger, resentment, revenge, rights... there's always something that the world can stain us with.
Even in this time of Less Choice, let your heart be stained with light, beauty, goodness.
Giving, serving.
And it's found when we look out towards our neighbour, and up, towards God.
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