To impose a fine
on a righteous man
is not good,
nor to strike
the noble
for their uprightness.
Proverbs 17:26 ESV
Jesus was the righteous man
He was noble
He was upright
And he was struck
Struck in the most humiliating and painful ways.
Struck in the most debilitating and overwhelming spiritual way.
He was noble
And he gave up his nobility. Left it behind...and washed people's feet
He was upright.
But was bent, broken, spat upon.
And he was fined.
That fine was the penalty for our sin.
Yours and mine.
It was a fine that none of us nor all of us could pay.
Only Jesus could.
He paid my fine.
And it cost him everything.
One day we'll really understand the totality of that cost.
In the meantime,
there's thankfulness.
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