The Lord is near
to the brokenhearted
and saves
the crushed in spirit.
are the afflictions
of the righteous,
the Lord delivers him
out of them all.
He keeps
all his bones;
not one of them
is broken.
Psalms 34:18-20 ESV
This Psalm, this song, is at a whole new level now.
Who's bones were not broken?
This takes us forward hundreds of years to Jesus crucifiction.
Jesus bones were not broken (routinely a crucified persons legs were broken)
Many were his afflictions.
Even though he was the only truly righteous one
He was crushed in spirit
His heart was broken
Sorrow and Love
Flow mingled down
For me.
In the heart damage
In the crushedness
Love delivered Him
But He was still crushed
His heart broken
And He still bears the scars
He knows
He knows Love and Sorrow
And in those scars is the promise,
the hope,
that one day,
all that is broken
will be unbroken
All that is crushed
will be uncrushed
God is near
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