Friday! Proverbs!
To impose a fine on a righteous man is not good, nor to strike the noble for their uprightness.
Proverbs 17:26 ESV
Almost sounds like Donald Trump - "fine a good man? Not good. Not good"
What is going on that this was written?
Good people being persecuted because they're good.
Wouldn't happen here would it?
Except in my head.
Where I judge people as being to perfect so I don't feel so bad.
Where I focus on a good persons imperfections so mine don't look so big.
Rather than celebrate their strengths I look for their weaknesses.
I hear the misstep, the missed note. I focus on the stumble
I whine
I complain
I strike the good person.
I fine the righteous.
To make me look better to me, to feel better about me.
And in that I miss the goodness, the image bearer of God, the beauty, the heart.
And it takes work to unwind those thoughts, those habits, to celebrate others wins, to look for the good, encourage strength in others.
To follow Jesus.
To think less about me
To love like Jesus
To build others up
To be an encourager
To realise I lose nothing by encouraging, or giving.
Or loving
...four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn't bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus... Mark 2:3-4 NLT Great account of inventiveness and determination to get their friend to see Jesus. Love this. Do you wonder about the back story? Are these the same 4 people who bring this man food? Take him to the toilet every day. Clean him up. Does he live with one of them? Are they family? Are there whole families or groups of people in the background who have supported and cared for this man? A group of children who grew up seeing their parents love in action? Probably. Healing Help Hope These things are found in community. These 4 guys are the heroes here. The upfront people. One day it will be interesting to see who the background heroes are. #loveinaction #community #inthistogether #walkingeachotherhome #gospelofmark
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