Then the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman... making her stand in the centre...
Jesus stooped down and started writing on the ground with his finger.
John 8:3, 6 CSB
I wonder what was going through this woman's mind as she was brought to stand in the middle of this crowd...
"What's going on?
Last time they accused me I thought they were going to kill me, but they decided a fine would be OK.
But they're really angry today.
If they kill me, who's going to look after my little girl?
I don't know what's going on.
They seem to be even more angry with this guy. I've heard about him, everyone has.
He seems different.
He's really winding them up by writing on the ground. If I wiped away the tears I might be able to read it, but I'm too scared to move.
These guys don't even know my name, what choices I had when I was divorced and kicked out.
This Jesus tho, he seems different.
It's like he knows.
Knows about rejection.
Knows me.
He's saying something to them now about sin and must be about this the end?
Whatever Jesus said it shut everybody down. There's complete quiet and Jesus is still writing something in the dirt.
One by one they're leaving.
Everyone else is so quiet.
All the Pharisees are gone and Jesus is looking at me with the kindest eyes I've ever seen.
I'm still too scared to move, but maybe it will be OK..."
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