Jesus answered,
"I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!"
At that point they picked up stones to throw at him.
But Jesus was hidden from them and left the Temple.
John 8:58-59 NLT
There's been a long argument with people in the temple with Jesus - they accused him of being a Samaritan, of being demon possessed, of having some kind of messianic complex that he was greater than their famous patriarch Abraham, who God made a covenant with.
He gave us a description of the devil, a murderer, a father of lies, one who lies because he is a liar
Finally Jesus completely winds the people up by claiming that he, Jesus, is the fulfillment of the covenant made with Abraham, and he is from before Abraham.
He is from God.
He is who he says he is.
And the people in the crowd who did not believe him, wanted to end all this blasphemy right then.
And suddenly Jesus was not available.
They'd heard about the miracles, some may even have been fed by Jesus. They'd heard his teaching, but they couldn't see this very ordinary looking man from the wrong part of the country was who he claimed to be.
The question echoes down the centuries, "do you believe in Jesus?"
That he is the "I Am".
That he is the one who saves.
He is.
And we can rest in that truth today.
Jesus entered the story of humanity from outside because he loves us.
He became the way because he loves us.
All the people had to do then was believe in him, and it's the same today.
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