For you are saved by grace through faith,
and this is not from yourselves;
it is God's gift
& not from works,
so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9 CSB
Not only does Paul repeat the "saved by grace" he hammers home it's not from what we do.
It's a gift.
Not our works.
We haven't earned God's grace and we can't.
He's come from a culture where that's what you did.
We love to compare don't we (or is that just me?). That person we look up to that has an awesome ministry, they write or sing or teach or save the world in some way, rescue the abandoned, feed the hungry...that person is no more saved by what they do than you and me.
It's a gift.
A gift unconnected with what we do.
A gift that is connected with who we are.
Who we are in God's sight.
Dearly loved children.
When the voices in our minds say that we're not enough, when the world pushes in and says we're not enough, when the Liar speaks lies that we're not enough, God's love, God's grace, trumps all that.
He says:
"I know you,
I choose you.
I've adopted you into my family.
It's a gift.
You are enough.
Right now, in this moment, enough"
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