8 His neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar...
1 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth.
2 "Rabbi," his disciples asked him, "why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents' sins?"
John 9: 8, 1-2 NLT
Jesus and his team are in a city where that's not their home, they won't know who this man is, what his story is.
V8 tells us that he is not just blind, but a beggar.
In v1-2 he is already identified as being blind from birth.
Jesus can't have just seen him on the side of the road, he must've stopped between v 1&2 and had a conversation.
Something has gone on between v 1 & 2.
Jesus has stopped and seen this person as worth meeting, worth talking to, worth hearing his story, worth listening to.
What do I do between v 1 & 2?
Am I standing by and watching someone else do that?
Or following Jesus in the gap between v 1 & 2 and stepping towards those society steps around?
Am I interested in justice for that person, and for the system that left him there, begging.
Something precious went on between v 1 & 2.
Between the seen and the knowing is the finding out.
Let's follow Jesus there today.
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