Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ: To those who have received a faith equal to ours through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:1 CSB
Peter starts this letter telling his readers, telling us, who he is.
A servant.
This word is "doulos". A bond-slave. Someone who belongs to another, who has no ownership rights of their own.
Who is Peter a "doulos" to?
To Jesus.
And he is an apostle.
A person who is sent on a mission, a messenger.
Peter's identity is a servant and a messenger of Jesus.
And then he tells us how he got there, through faith in Jesus.
And in the middle of it all is this little phrase "equal to ours".
There's something levelling about faith in Jesus.
Our culture would overlook servant, emphasize apostle, and say that the writer (Peter) is more important than the reader (us).
Peter's words level us up.
Faith is equal, puts us all on the same level, no matter who we are, because our faith is in the same person:
Faith in Jesus nudges all of us towards being servers and messengers. But we're all a work-in-progess.
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