May grace and peace
be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 1:2 CSB
Grace and peace.
If there's 2 things we need more of grace and peace would be near the top.
Peter's blessing for us comes through knowing God, knowing who He is.
Reminding ourselves again of the big story of creation, the fall, Gods pursuit of us, and the coming of Jesus the redeemer.
The big story of the hope that we have that one day all will be made new.
All that hurt will be unhurt.
All that is broken, restored, unbroken.
And knowing Jesus.
Not just knowing who He is, but knowing him as Lord.
This is not about supporting Jesus team, but pledging allegiance, choosing to follow him, allow him to direct our paths, our choices. To let his words dwell in our hearts and minds.
To worship Jesus as Lord
So today, may grace and peace
be multiplied to you and in you,
through the knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord
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