Friday! Proverbs!
Food gained by fraud
is sweet to a person,
but afterward
his mouth is full of gravel.
Proverbs 20:17 CSB
Deception. Lies. Theft. When we "get one over" someone else, win at their expense, the fruit, the result, can feel good.
We have a conscience. A sense of right and wrong that turns that "win" sour.
Like chewing gravel.
My teeth can't win against gravel, so I'd have to spit it out, let it destroy my mouth, or swallow it.
And eventually my conscience gets worn down. I've chosen the sweet taste of the "food" and I've gotten used to eating gravel.
Maybe it's just my heart that works like this.
Paul writes in Ephesians 4 that God is at work renewing our minds, putting off the old, and on with the new, becoming more like Jesus, changing my heart, restoring my conscience.
This is the direction I want to keep heading...
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