Friday! Proverbs!
Take a man's garment when he has put up security for a stranger, and hold it in pledge when he puts up security for foreigners.
Proverbs 20:16 ESV
What is this business advice written 3,000 yrs ago doing in the Bible?
Sometimes a man's coat was all he had to keep warm, to keep him alive, and could be taken as security if obligations were not met.
(See Deuteronomy 24:12-13 where God's law evens up the power imbalance between the rich and the poor who only has his coat as security.)
This proverb teaches that there are consequences to our decisions and promises.
The last word in the proverb translated foreigner can also hold the meaning of seductress. When an opportunity or scheme seems so good, too good, and we allow ourselves to get pulled in.
This proverb also points us to one person who's clothes were taken for me,
who's life was pledged for mine,
who made a commitment and paid the price not for anything he had done, not for anything He owed,
but in my place.
And in your place.
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