For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge,
knowledge with self-control,
self-control with endurance...
2 Peter 1:5-6 CSB
What comes to mind when you think about endurance?
For me it's a long distance runner.
And then it's someone with chronic pain.
This word endurance ("hupomone") literally means to "remain under".
An athlete chooses to "remain under" their coach or training regime.
Someone in pain has less choice.
What is Peter asking us to "remain under" here?
He's asking us to "remain under" the promises of God, the "I will never leave you or forsake you" promises that change and transform us to be like Jesus (see v 4)
Remain under His promises.
Remain under the shelter of His love.
Remain under all that He has given us for Life (see v 3)
This isn't about how much we can put up with, how strong we have to be, how we perform. It's about where we dwell.
Where we remain under.
Today, remain under the shelter of our God who loves you.
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