See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us,
that we
would be named
and called
and counted
the children of God!
And so we are!
1 John 3:1 AMP
Do you ever feel that you don't belong, don't fit in?
A bit lost?
I have.
Named, called, counted.
Our God knows your name. He is not some impersonal force in the universe, and you & I are not just numbers.
He knows your name, calls you by it, and knows when you go missing.
We're not trophies of God's, or things he treasures.
We're children.
Children who He loves.
When you feel unknown, alone, that you don't belong, the Truth is something different.
Hold this truth, speak it, pray it.
Even children with the best parents sometimes don't feel loved, that their parents don't really know them, get them.
But the truth is that they are loved. That hasn't actually changed.
Today, no matter how it might feel, our God loves you.
And me.
We belong.
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