The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. John wore clothing made of camels hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. And this was his message: After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
Mark 1:5-8 NIV
This must've been quite a thing.
The whole countryside
All of Jerusalem
Think massive music festival, or sports event.
Think revival meeting.
And John was the star.
Must've gone on for days.
And he was the focal point.
But John was not swept up in all this...he did not even change his clothes. No upgrade to a new suit or ripped jeans.
He didn't change his diet
And he didn't change his message.
Great. Repent from your sin. That's absolutely the right thing to do.
But get ready.
The Messiah is coming.
He's just around the corner.
Don't look at me, look for Him. He's close.
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see - such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. Colossians 1:15-16 NLT OK so this is an English translation of a letter Paul wrote to a church 2,000 years ago, but does it feel like Paul is wrestling with words and ideas to try and capture all of who Jesus is, of who God is, of how does it work that the walking around Jesus was also there before the beginning of the beginning of everything we can see and touch and know. Not only that but Jesus was somehow the agent of everything that has been made in the physical, social, and spiritual. Jesus is at the centre of it all. Walking around Jesus. Cooking fish for breakfast Jesus. Heart aching as he ...
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