Wisdom is too lofty for fools. Among leaders at the city gate, they have nothing to say.
Proverbs 24:7 NLT
There's a lot going on here at the city gate of this community. People, foolish people, wise people, some talking, some with nothing to say, but it is a community operating at the city gate.
Jesus left his community to join ours.
And while he was here he used stories like leaving the 99 to seek the one lost person. Leaving community.
In Deuteronomy 16 it mentions that the Passover offering happens outside the town, outside the city gate, and that's where Jesus was on that first Easter.
Outside the city gate, outside community with people, and outside community with God for one purpose; to make a way for us, because he loves us.
And as a result we are wrapped in to community with God and one another with all our foolishness and mistakes, with our little bits of wisdom and insight, but never again to be lost or excluded or shut out.
We get glimpses of that now as we walk thru this life together, and one day we will know this community with God and with one another in all its fullness, and we'll see Jesus face to face.
And all will be made new.
Every tear touched by Jesus and absorbed by him.
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