A wise warrior is better than a strong one,
and a man of knowledge than one of strength;
for you should wage war with sound guidance - victory comes with many counselors.
Proverbs 24:5-6 CSB
The battles we face, the battles that we're in, don't go it alone.
We're made for community, and yet for some of us our culture, our upbringing, tells us we need to tough it out in our own, figure it all out, have all the answers, win all the battles, all on me.
We just can't.
We need one another.
The word translated victory here is "teshuah" which means deliverance, salvation.
Deliverance and salvation can come when we face our battles together with others.
Wisdom, knowledge, and wise people.
We don't have to do this alone.
Maybe the bravest thing we can do is ask for help.
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