Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elements of the world, rather than Christ. Colossians 2:8 CSB This "big" statement sets the scene for what Paul is concerned about that is happening in the church that he is writing to. It's easy to read this as "that's interesting, what was going on in Collossae that was so bad? There's nothing to see in my church, and nothing in my life that fits under this human tradition rather than Jesus thing." We live in a culture that gives us messages all the time that shape us, its just that we don't always see it that way. Paul is giving us an opportunity to step back from our culture and have a look at what we value, how we measure success, what we strive for, and is Jesus at the foundation of that. Or not. And that can be hard work. There's times when we have a lot going on and that's just not work we've got space for, and t...
Daily encouragement :)