Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander.
1 Peter 2:1 CSB
Therefore read Chap 1.
The gospel.
The Living Hope, the eternal perspective that we can see the things of this world, the troubles and the struggles...therefore rid yourself of all this.
But Pete, I'm not that person! None of those words describe me surely!
Well there is that person who is so annoying that somedays...
Was I 100% straight up when I said that?
There's times when I don't practice what i preach, wish I was living "there" in iso...
Yes I've run people down (we're not even driving, but their reputation)
Yes I have all of these attributes.
Malice. Deceit. Hypocrisy. Envy. Slander
Mostly well hidden from you.
Hidden from view.
But they're there.
The anti-love's
The anti-one anothers
In light of Chap 1, get rid of them.
If it was a one-time clean up that would be easy, but it seems that my heart manufactures this stuff, and often I don't even recognise it.
I need community to both highlight the things in my heart, and to help.
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