As you come to him,
a living stone
rejected by men
but in the sight of God chosen
you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house,
to be a holy priesthood...
1 Peter 2:4-5 ESV
God's people are scattered.
And being persecuted.
Yet God is at work in them. Peter is writing to Jewish believers who were brought up on the temple being where God dwelled, priests from a certain genealogy, and only they could offer appropriate sacrifices.
Peter is saying now it's you that is being made into that temple, the place where God dwells, you as a community.
God is no longer "over there", but in here. It's personal and it's communal.
And it's a work in progress.
We go past a building site or where a new road is being built and for ages nothing much seems to be happening...God is like that, in His time He's at work engineering, building, working away...
Stick with Him.
Even when we can't see progress, or can't see what God is doing, He's at work.
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