Friday! Proverbs!
Differing weights and differing measures - the Lord detests them both.
Proverbs 20:10 NIV
This proverb is set in the world of commerce. Where produce is weighed or measured, and the person doing the weighing and measuring is in a position of power. Are they using the same weight or measure when buying and selling. This person has the ability to use their position of trust and expertise to take advantage.
I have to trust my mechanic, plumber, lawyer...etc...all of us somewhere, sometime, are in that position of having power or authority over another person. How do we use that?
Our God is interested in our hearts. And he's seriously unhappy with anyone who's heart leads to taking advantage of another person.
How we live in this world matters, how we see people, how we treat one another matters, because it's the outworking of our heart.
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