Honor everyone.
Love the brothers and sisters.
Fear God.
Honor the emperor.
1 Peter 2:17 CSB
Is this a "to-do" list or a checklist that Pete ends this passage with?
In a way, yes.
It's a heart orientation check. How is my heart oriented looking up to God, and out to others?
Am I facing today, stepping into today with humility.
With grace.
With love.
Towards God
Towards people
A "to-do" list for the heart.
If we want an example of how to live like this we have Jesus example. How he lived in outward orientation to His Father, and towards people.
How he led with humility, with grace, and love.
How he lived in relation to the government, those who interrupted, those in need.
Reorienting my heart outward is a good way to start the day, but for me can be required anytime...
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