Many a person proclaims his own loyalty,
but who can find a trustworthy person?
Proverbs 20:6 CSB
Our enemy is a liar, promising what cannot be delivered.
Parts of our economy have been built on promising benefits that they cannot possibly deliver - real happiness is not found in consumption.
And even our own hearts cannot be fully trusted.
But Jesus is that fully trustworthy person. He was the agent of creation at the beginning of time and has the last word in Revelation when all things are made new.
He is trustworthy because of what he did.
The cross is the symbol of our faith because it is all about the actions of a truly trustworthy person, who stepped towards us, humbled himself, came as a servant, so that we can be redeemed.
Even when we can't understand all our circumstances, Jesus is worthy of our trust.
The cross is our reminder.
It's emptiness our hope.
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