all of you
be like-minded
and sympathetic,
love one another,
and be compassionate and humble...
1 Peter 3:8 CSB
Here's some over riding instruction for all of us.
Given all that Peter has written so far this is the heart attitude that we are to cultivate and hold.
He's speaking to us, together, to be like-minded and sympathetic. We can't be like-minded on our own.
We can't be sympathetic on our own.
This requires us to have others in our lives, to have a heart towards others.
This verse that I can skim over and say "that's nice" is now becoming an impossible standard.
I run out of compassion, lose sight of humility, don't want to be like minded, and loving others is just too hard.
And I need Jesus.
To quietly say I'm here, keep going, keep walking with me, and you'll discover reservoirs of compassion, reserves of love that I'll top up.
You're not alone
I've walked this way ahead of you, lean into me, and these things will be more and more evident in your life...
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