Friday! Proverbs!
Who can say,
"I have made my heart pure;
I am clean from my sin"?
Proverbs 20:9 ESV
I like to think I can.
Two ways come to mind.
One is by setting up my own moral code, make my own rules about what is right and wrong, truth and error, good and evil.
The problem is that I can't even live to my own rules & expectations.
Or I try and live up to someone else's right and wrong code.
Try. And try.
Fail becomes Failure
When I cannot live up to my own code, let alone yours, society's, God's.
It all gets too much.
Too far.
I am not and cannot be enough.
And then there's Grace.
The cross.
The one who had no sin, who's heart is pure,
who made a way.
Believing in His life, His death, cleanses my sin, purifies my heart before God.
And His resurrection is the living hope that we can live in, & that the cleansing and purifying work of the Spirit can keep working in our hearts as we await our own resurrection.
But the weight of having to, the fails, the fear of failure, the not being good enough, not being enough...that is gone.
Nailed to a Roman cross
That weight.
Lifted by Love.
Removed by Grace.
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