For this is a gracious thing,
mindful of God,
one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.
1 Peter 2:19 ESV
Suffering unjustly.
Peter couches this in the lived experience of his readers where some of them are household slaves.
Peter's key point is that there is unjust suffering. No doubt you've experienced it.
Someone you love has experienced it.
Every day the news cycle has accounts of unjust suffering.
The Bible is open about this, and Peter goes on to speak courage into unjust hurt, and, brings us back to the gospel.
To Jesus.
To the truly just one.
Who suffered unjustly.
To the cross.
Does this magically make everything OK and easy?
Does it neatly answer the 'why' and 'why me' questions?
Somehow we get to wrestle with all of Peter's letter to this point. The big picture of who Jesus is, that we have stepped out of darkness into the light, that our life is wrapped in Jesus, that we are chosen, loved, redeemed.
There is unjust suffering.
There is a cross.
There is hope.
The Living Hope of Chapter 1
He is with us in this.
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