Friday! Proverbs!
He who isolates himself pursues selfish desires;
he rebels against all sound judgment.
Proverbs 18:1
This isn't about where you live, but who you let in.
I think.
I've done this.
Isolated myself from the needs of others, from their dreams, their disappointments, their hurts.
Maybe it's the selfish desires that drive us (a circular thing), and sometimes we isolate ourselves out of our own hurt or loss.
Or out of our fears.
This Proverb indicates a choosing. I can choose to isolate myself, and it leads to selfishness.
And in that I "rebel against sound judgement".
Against Wisdom
Against the source of Wisdom
Or I can choose to open my heart & mind to others.
Stepping towards
Being involved
Loving people
And in doing that, being less inward looking, less isolated, we need more Wisdom!
This is no one time big decision, it's the small everyday choices, a heart orientation...
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