A worthless man plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire.
Proverbs 16:27 ESV
Maybe your life has been impacted by the "worthless man" or woman, who does things for literally "without profit", or maybe you've been on the receiving end and felt the scorching fire that has scarred and disfigured.
I'm not sure about you. but my inclination is to bite back.
But I don't want to be that worthless person
I don't want to return worthlessness for worthlessness
I don't want to return scorching fire for scorching fire
Again, the answer is Grace
"Jesus, you're the only one who can turn those burns, those scars, that scorching fire, into soothing balm, healing waters, into kindness, into goodness, into love.
Help me to become the person who loves.
Thank you for the forgiveness and grace that flows towards me, help me to reflect that in some way in my life today.
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