What good is it,
dear brothers and sisters,
if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions?
Can that kind of faith save anyone?
James 2:14 NLT
Round 6 of "dear brothers and sisters"!
So let's take James at his word, he's not telling us off, but quietly, gently, asking us what's the story with our faith.
James questions seem particularly relevant for us today where we are quick to separate our mind, body, spirit and can find it OK to make the intellectual the thing.
Even in church we can tend to value a Sermon that gives information over a hug that gives love.
What happened in church today? is reduced to 3 points from a person talking, or we think we're being ripped off if there is no Sermon.
What good is it dear brothers and sisters, if your faith is made up only of what's in your head and putting in more?
Dear brothers and sisters, where are we living our faith out?
(my guess is that if I followed you around we would see your faith lived out in all kinds of ways - and it's that living out that James is valuing, encouraging us to value and step into more and more - to let our faith permeate the physical, emotional, relational world that we actually live in - our faith is not reserved for some part of us, walled off, kept safe).
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