It was now late in the same day, the first day of the week. His followers were all hiding behind locked doors in fear of being captured by the tribal leaders. Suddenly, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) himself was standing in front of them and said,
"Peace be with you!"
He then showed them where the iron nails had pierced his hands and where the spear had cut into his side.
John 20:19-20 FNVNT
Not only was there fear of the military power of the Empire, there was fear of their own people.
No peace.
No peace in the world.
And no peace in their internal world.
Jesus came to bring peace.
Yes peace in our inner world, but at this moment the disciples are locked away to keep themselves safe. Jesus came to bring peace in this world.
In all aspects of life.
As we commemorate ANZAC Day here in NZ, we remember sacrifice, the absorbing of evil and conflict in the world in the bodies and lives of soldiers.
We consider the cost.
We long for peace in our world.
We still only have pockets of peace in this world, and moments of peace in our hearts.
Jesus is our hope.
One day our inner and outer worlds will know that peace, and for now, we get to hold to that hope and work towards it in any way that we can.
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